I've followed this question with a full example in case it isn't clear what I mean from the question.
I've made a view which joins data from about five tables. The tables have vast amounts of data and the queries are slow to run. My question is that if I do:
SQL Server 是否知道我的意思"并自动将该条件传播到视图中的底层连接?这样它就不会为所有人运行,而是在正确的阶段最小化结果集.或者它会运行所有内容然后在完整结果集上执行 WHERE ID = 1000
does SQL Server 'know what I mean' and automatically propagate that condition to the underlying joins in the view? So that it doesn't run for everybody, but minimizes the result set at the right stages. Or will it run for everything then do the WHERE ID = 1000
on the full result set?
为了简化(...希望如此)我的意思,这里有一个伪 TSQL 场景示例:
To simplify (...hopefully) what I mean, here's an example pseudo-TSQL scenario:
所以我想要一个视图,显示所有 People
、他们参与的任何 Activity
和 地点
So I want a view which shows me all People
, any Activities
they were involved in, the ActivityType
, and the Location
it took place. Although this setup is not drastically complicated, you can see that it might take a very long time to execute if there are say tens of thousands of each entity.
视图中的查询是为所有人运行还是 SQL Server 知道它应该将其应用于 People.DOB
would the query inside the view run for everyone or would SQL Server know that it should apply it to the People.DOB
引擎会做任何它认为最快的事情.如果您将该字段编入索引,并且您的 JOIN
The engine will do whatever it thinks is fastest. If you have that field indexed, and your JOIN
keys are all indexed, it may or may not run that filter first.
子句的开销更高(即未编入索引),它实际上可能会在 LAST 上运行过滤器 - 这样开销大的操作就会在最小的结果集上运行.
It may actually run the filter LAST if the WHERE
clause is more expensive (i.e. unindexed) - that way the expensive operation is running on the smallest result set.
Ther only way to know for sure is to run the query and check the execution plan (ACTUAL not estimated).
这篇关于SQL Server 是否在复杂视图中传播 WHERE 条件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!