i want to create a Index View for full text search.
the only problem i,m facing with subquery, because index views does not allow subquery.
我使用子查询从使用 STUFF 的成分表中获取成分作为连接字符串.
I,m using subquery to get ingredients as concatenate string from Ingredients table using STUFF.
can some one please let me know how can i remove this subquery and have ingredients as contented string.
查询的 XML 部分会导致问题,即使您确实设法删除了子选择.
The XML part of the query will cause problems, even if you did manage to remove the sub-selected.
However, all is not lost. You could rewrite the view into a part that can be indexed and another part that is cheaper, but can't. For example, you could write:
根据您的数据模型,您甚至可能不需要 group by.此视图可以编入索引
Depending on your data model, you may not even need the group by. This view can be indexed
And then write another view that is not indexed, but which replaces your original view
作为一个元答案,我想补充一点,如果您需要索引这样的视图(并使用 DISTINCT),很可能您的数据建模者在数据模型上犯了很大的错误,或者您的数据访问代码是非常低效.关于这一切的一切都像是在努力解决糟糕的编码和建模实践.
As a meta-answer I would add that if you need to index a view like this (and use the DISTINCT), chances are that your data modeller made a pretty big mistake with the data model or that your data access code is very inefficient. Everything about this smells like you are trying to work around poor coding and modelling practices.