我想使用 VBS 读取注册表以列出服务器上的一些信息,包括驱动程序.VBS:
I'd like to use VBS to read the registry to list some info on a server including the drivers. VBS:
问题我想知道如何单独列出是否安装了32位驱动程序或64位Oracle驱动程序.我的机器上都有,但没有显示哪个.据推测,它可能意味着两者或其中之一,我假设.通常,如果找到 32 位驱动程序,我希望在名称中看到32".你能帮我吗?谢谢!
Question I'd like to know how to seperately list if the 32 bit driver or the 64 bit Oracle driver is installed. I have both on my machine, but it doesn't indicate which. Presumably, it can mean both or either, I assume. Normally, if a 32 bit driver were found, I'd expect to see "32" in the name. Can you help? Thank you!
if you know where to best look in the registry for this info, that would be helpful, too, if you don't know the code off hand.
根据您的 VBS 代码,问题应该是:使用 VBS 和注册表来确定 ODBC 的版本和 32 位与 64 位 驱动程序已安装
According to your VBS code the question should be: Using VBS and the registry to determine which version and 32 vs. 64 bit of ODBC drivers are installed
还有许多其他可用于 Oracle 的驱动程序,例如OleDB、ODP.NET、JDBC 等
There are many other drivers available for Oracle, e.g. OleDB, ODP.NET, JDBC, etc.
为了获得 32 位和 64 位,您可以通过两种方式进行
In order to get 32 and 64 bit you can do it in two ways
Either run the VBS in different scripting host, i.e.
或修改 VBS 脚本以查询注册表中的 32 位和 64 位路径:
Or modify the VBS script in order to interrogate 32 and 64 Bit path in Registry:
可以通过环境变量定义,但是您也可以在注册表中定义它们.检查 64 位
Another note: TNS_ADMIN
can be defined by environment variable, however you can defined them also in the Registry. Check for 64 bit
和 32 位
这篇关于使用 VBS 和注册表来确定安装了哪个版本和 32 位与 64 位的 oracle 驱动程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!