我用 MSSQL 2014 中的数据库在 VB.NET 中创建了一个应用程序.
I have created an Application in VB.NET with database in MSSQL 2014.
我已经配置了 TCP/IP=1433,UDP=1434,Windows 防火墙配置为允许 1433、1434、sqlserver.exe、sqlbrowser.exe 并且配置了服务器的登录设置.应用程序正在我的笔记本电脑上运行,该笔记本电脑与主机在同一互联网连接上.我正在尝试在另一个网络上的客户端计算机上使用该应用程序,但出现 NAMED PIPES PROVIDER 错误 40.
I have configured TCP/IP=1433, UDP=1434, Windows Firewall is configured to allow 1433, 1434, sqlserver.exe, sqlbrowser.exe and server's login settings are configured. Application is working on my laptop which is on the same Internet connection as the host computer. I am trying to use the Application on client computer which is on another network and getting NAMED PIPES PROVIDER error40.
This is connection I am using:
Do I need to configure client's computer in any way?
您的 DNS/HOSTS 文件是否解析远程计算机名称?如果没有,请尝试使用 IP 地址.不确定,但并非所有版本的 SQL 都支持通过命名管道进行远程连接(有时可以通过使用注册表黑客将连接添加为 ODBC 来解决这个问题)
Does your DNS/HOSTS file resolve the remote computer name? Try IP address instead if not. Not sure but not all versions of SQL support remote connections via Named Pipes (can sometimes get round this by using registry hacks to add the connection as ODBC)
这篇关于从不同网络上的计算机连接到 MS SQL Server 2014的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!