I need to do the following query (for example):
For some security reason my client doesn't allow me to create a linked server. The user under whom I execute this query has access to both tables. Is it possible to make it work without using linked server? Thanks.
您可以使用 OPENROWSET,这将需要连接信息、用户名和密码...
You could use OPENROWSET, which'll require the connection info, username & password...
虽然我理解客户认为始终在线连接到他们的数据是有风险的,但这就是您锁定帐户的原因.OPENROWSET 表示以纯文本形式包含连接信息.
While I understand that the client believes that having an always-on connection to their data is risky, that's why you lock down the account. OPENROWSET means including the connection info in plain text.
这篇关于SQL Server:是否可以在不设置链接服务器的情况下从另一个 SQL Server 获取数据?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!