I have table that looks like this:
I would like to be able to turn it into the following:
该代码将仅查找连续日期的最小值和最大值,使用 名称 列对结果进行分组,然后将最小值和最大值日期列为一列中的to 和 from"字符串.
The code would find the minimum and maximum of consecutive dates only, group the results using the Name column and then list the minimum and maximum dates as a 'to and from' string in one column.
I'm having problems trying to list consecutive dates only. Note that the third entry above gets its own entry because it is not consecutive with the date range for 'A' in the earlier entry.
请注意:这是特定于 SQL Server 2008 的,它不允许使用 LAG 函数.
Please note: This is specific to SQL Server 2008, which does not allow use of the LAG function.
编辑 2:McNets 提供的原始答案在 SQL Server 2012 上运行良好.我已将其包含在此处,因为如果您有 SQL Server 2012 以后会更好.
EDIT 2: The original answer supplied by McNets worked fine on SQL Server 2012. I've included it here as it's better if you have SQL Server 2012 onwards.
First I've added a row number to the whole table.
Then I've joined this table with itself just to calculate days between dates.
GAPS. How many days between consecutive dates of the same name.
ISLANDS. By adding the name to the calculated days.
The second part: get the MIN and MAX Date of each island.
这篇关于在自定义列中显示日期范围 - 差距和孤岛的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!