quot;Delegate subtraction has unpredictable resultquot; in ReSharper/C#?(“委托减法有不可预知的结果在 ReSharper/C# 中?)
How to create a delegate to an instance method with a null target?(如何为具有空目标的实例方法创建委托?)
Local variables with Delegates(带委托的局部变量)
Writing a global custom event in C#(用 C# 编写全局自定义事件)
Action delegates, generics, covariance and contravariance(动作委托、泛型、协变和逆变)
Delegate Methods vs General Methods(委托方法与一般方法)
What is Actionlt;stringgt;?(什么是动作lt;字符串gt;?)
Why can a .NET delegate not be declared static?(为什么不能将 .NET 委托声明为静态的?)
+= operator for Delegate(+= 代表操作符)
Delegate for an Actionlt; ref T1, T2gt;(代表一个动作参考 T1,T2)
quot;Uncurryingquot; an instance method in .NET(“不客气.NET 中的实例方法)
In .NET, what thread will Events be handled in?(在 .NET 中,事件将在哪个线程中处理?)