我注意到 Delegate 类有一个 Target 属性,它(大概)返回委托方法将在其上执行的实例.我想做这样的事情:
I've noticed that the Delegate class has a Target property, that (presumably) returns the instance the delegate method will execute on. I want to do something like this:
void PossiblyExecuteDelegate(Action<int> method)
if (method.Target == null)
// delegate instance target is null
// do something
// do something else
When calling it, I want to do something like:
class A
void Method(int a) {}
static void Main(string[] args)
A a = null;
Action<int> action = a.Method;
但是当我尝试构造委托时,我得到了一个 ArgumentException(实例方法的委托不能有 null 'this').我想做的事是否可行,我该怎么做?
But I get an ArgumentException (Delegate to an instance method cannot have a null 'this') when I try to construct the delegate. Is what I want to do possible, and how can I do it?
您可以使用 CreateDelegate 重载,使用带有隐式this"第一个参数的委托:
You can create an open instance delegate using a CreateDelegate overload, using a delegate with the implicit 'this' first argument explicitly specified:
delegate void OpenInstanceDelegate(A instance, int a);
class A
public void Method(int a) {}
static void Main(string[] args)
A a = null;
MethodInfo method = typeof(A).GetMethod("Method");
OpenInstanceDelegate action = (OpenInstanceDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(OpenInstanceDelegate), a, method);