const 引用是否会延长临时引用的寿命?
我的编译器不会抱怨将临时分配给 const 引用:
My compiler doesn't complain about assigning temporary to const reference:
为什么?我认为从 foo
返回的字符串是临时的,val 可以指向生命周期已经结束的对象.C++ 标准是否允许这样做并延长返回对象的生命周期?
Why? I thought that string returned from foo
is temporary and val can point to object which lifetime has finished. Does C++ standard allow this and prolongs the lifetime of returned object?
这是一个 C++ 特性.该代码是有效的,并且完全符合它的功能.
This is a C++ feature. The code is valid and does exactly what it appears to do.
通常,临时对象仅持续到它出现的完整表达式的结尾.但是,C++ 特意指定将临时对象绑定到堆栈上对 const 的引用会将临时对象的生命周期延长至引用本身的生命周期,从而避免常见的悬空引用错误.在上面的例子中, foo()
Normally, a temporary object lasts only until the end of the full expression in which it appears. However, C++ deliberately specifies that binding a temporary object to a reference to const on the stack lengthens the lifetime of the temporary to the lifetime of the reference itself, and thus avoids what would otherwise be a common dangling-reference error. In the example above, the temporary returned by foo()
lives until the closing curly brace.
P.S: This only applies to stack-based references. It doesn’t work for references that are members of objects.
全文:GotW #88:AHerb Sutter 的最重要的常量"候选者.
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