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        std::remove_if 使用其他类方法


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                  本文介绍了std::remove_if 使用其他类方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我想将 std::remove_if 与作为差异类成员函数的谓词一起使用.

                  I want to use std::remove_if with a predicate that is a member function of a differenct calss.


                  class B;
                  class A {
                      bool invalidB( const B& b ) const; // use members of class A to verify that B is invalid
                      void someMethod() ;


                  void A::someMethod() {
                      std::vector< B > vectorB; 
                      // filling it with elements
                      // I want to remove_if from vectorB based on predicate A::invalidB
                      std::remove_if( vectorB.begin(), vectorB.end(), invalidB )


                  Is there a way to do this?

                  我已经研究了解决方案用于 remove_if 的惯用 C++,但它处理的情况略有不同,即remove_ifB 而不是 A 的成员.

                  I have already looked into the solution of Idiomatic C++ for remove_if, but it deals with a slightly different case where the unary predicate of remove_if is a member of Band not A.

                  我无权使用 BOOST 或 c++11

                  I do not have access to BOOST or c++11



                  一旦你在 remove_if 中,你就失去了 this 指针A.所以你必须声明一个功能对象,它包含它,例如:

                  Once you're in remove_if, you've lost the this pointer of A. So you'll have to declare a functional object which holds it, something like:

                  class IsInvalidB
                      A const* myOwner;
                      IsInvalidB( A const& owner ) : myOwner( owner ) {}
                      bool operator()( B const& obj )
                          return myOwner->invalidB( obj );

                  只需将它的一个实例传递给 remove_if.

                  Just pass an instance of this to remove_if.

                  这篇关于std::remove_if 使用其他类方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Postfix运算符重载中虚拟参数的目的?C++ 下一篇:为什么类方法不能调用同名的全局函数?


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