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      1. Postfix运算符重载中虚拟参数的目的?C++


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                1. 本文介绍了Postfix运算符重载中虚拟参数的目的?C++的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  When overloading the postfix operator, I can do something simple like

                  Class Foo
                     int someBS;
                     //declaration of  pre &postfix++
                     Foo operator++();
                     //rest of class not shown

                  Prefix 不需要带任何参数,所以当我定义它时,就像

                  Prefix doesn't need to take any parameters, so when I define it, something like

                  Foo Foo::operator()
                     someBS ++;
                     return *this;


                  当我去定义后缀重载时,我必须包含一个虚拟的 int 参数

                  When I go to define the postfix overload I have to include a dummy int parameter

                  Foo Foo::operator++(int)
                     Foo temp = *this;
                     someBS ++;
                     return temp;

                  我的问题是为什么?我从来没有在方法中使用它.前缀运算符不需要一个.返回 temp 值的后缀不依赖于虚拟参数.我知道如果我想要重载一个后缀操作符就是这样,我只想知道背后的原因.

                  My question is why? I don't ever use it in the method. The prefix operator doesn't require one. The postfix returning the temp value is not dependent on the dummy parameter. I know that if I want to overload a postfix operator that's how it's done, I just want to know the reason behind.


                  虚拟参数只是为了区分后缀和前缀运算符.在这两种情况下,名称 ++-- 是相同的,因此必须有some 方法来指定您要定义的那个.添加一个虚拟参数可能并不优雅,但任何替代方案都可能需要发明新的语法(可能是一个 postfix 关键字,这会破坏使用 postfix 作为标识符的代码).

                  The dummy parameter is simply there to distinguish between the postfix and prefix operators. The name ++ or -- is the same in both cases, so there has to be some way to specify which one you're defining. Adding a dummy parameter is perhaps not elegant, but any alternatives would probably have required inventing new syntax (perhaps a postfix keyword, which would break code that uses postfix as an identifier).


                  上一篇:C++中选择重载模板函数时的优先级 下一篇:std::remove_if 使用其他类方法


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