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      1. 最快的时序解析系统

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                  C/C++ 程序员可以使用的最快计时系统是什么?

                  time() 将给出自 1970 年 1 月 1 日 00:00 以来的秒数.
                  Windows 上的 GetTickCount() 将给出自系统启动以来的时间(以毫秒为单位),但限制为 49.7 天(之后它会简单地回零).


                  最大的问题是方法的开销 - 我需要最轻的一个,因为我将要每秒调用它很多次.

                  我的情况是我有一个工作线程,并且我向该工作线程发布了待处理的工作.每个作业都有一个执行时间".所以,我不在乎时间是当前的真实"时间还是自系统正常运行以来的时间 - 它必须是线性的和轻量级的.

                  unsigned __int64 GetTickCountEx(){静态 DWORD dwWraps = 0;静态 DWORD dwLast = 0;DWORD dwCurrent = 0;timeMutex.lock();dwCurrent = GetTickCount();如果(dwLast > dwCurrent)dwWraps++;dwLast = dwCurrent;无符号 __int64 时间结果 = ((无符号 __int64)0xFFFFFFFF * dwWraps) + dwCurrent;timeMutex.unlock();返回时间结果;}


                  为了计时,当前微软推荐是使用QueryPerformanceCounter &QueryPerformanceFrequency.

                  这将为您提供优于毫秒的计时.如果系统不支持高分辨率计时器,则默认为毫秒(与 GetTickCount 相同).

                  这是一篇简短的 Microsoft 文章,其中包含您应该使用它的原因的示例 :)

                  What is the fastest timing system a C/C++ programmer can use?

                  For example:
                  time() will give the seconds since Jan 01 1970 00:00.
                  GetTickCount() on Windows will give the time, in milliseconds, since the system's start-up time, but is limited to 49.7 days (after that it simply wraps back to zero).

                  I want to get the current time, or ticks since system/app start-up time, in milliseconds.

                  The biggest concern is the method's overhead - I need the lightest one, because I'm about to call it many many times per second.

                  My case is that I have a worker thread, and to that worker thread I post pending jobs. Each job has an "execution time". So, I don't care if the time is the current "real" time or the time since the system's uptime - it just must be linear and light.


                  unsigned __int64 GetTickCountEx()
                      static DWORD dwWraps = 0;
                      static DWORD dwLast = 0;
                      DWORD dwCurrent = 0;
                      dwCurrent = GetTickCount();
                      if(dwLast > dwCurrent)
                      dwLast = dwCurrent;
                      unsigned __int64 timeResult = ((unsigned __int64)0xFFFFFFFF * dwWraps) + dwCurrent;
                      return timeResult;


                  For timing, the current Microsoft recommendation is to use QueryPerformanceCounter & QueryPerformanceFrequency.

                  This will give you better-than-millisecond timing. If the system doesn't support a high-resolution timer, then it will default to milliseconds (the same as GetTickCount).

                  Here is a short Microsoft article with examples of why you should use it :)


                  上一篇:C++中的时差 下一篇:C 或 C++ 中的亚毫秒级精度计时


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