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      1. 如何以“月份日期 hh:mm:ss"格式比较两个时间戳检查 +ve 或 -ve 值


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                • 本文介绍了如何以“月份日期 hh:mm:ss"格式比较两个时间戳检查 +ve 或 -ve 值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在 stackoverflow 网站上查看了我的答案,我没有得到,所以我把它贴在这里.

                  I checked the stackoverflow site for my answer, i did not get, so i am posting it here.


                  如何比较格式"Month Date hh:mm:ss"的两个时间戳?

                  How to compare two time stamp in format "Month Date hh:mm:ss"?

                  我正在用 C 和 C++ 编写程序,时间是可显示的字符串格式.

                  I am writing program in C and C++ and the time is in displayable string format.


                  time1 = "Mar 21 11:51:20"
                  time2 = "Mar 21 10:20:05"

                  我想比较 time1 和 tme2 并找出 time2 是否是 after time1 并且我需要输出为 truefalse,如下所示:

                  I want to compare time1 and tme2 and find out whether time2 is after time1 or not and I need output as true or false, like below:

                   if time2 > time1 then 
                         i need output as 1 
                         0 or -1 anything

                  我使用了 difftime(time2,time1) ,但它返回 time1time2 之间的增量时间 diff>.

                  I used difftime(time2,time1) , but it returns the delta time diff between time1 and time2.
                  I want to check greater or not.


                  For any help, thanks in advance



                  FIRST- use difftime to compare:

                  你可以简单地使用 difftime()比较时间并返回1-1的函数如下:

                  you can simply use difftime() function to compare time and return 1 or -1 as follows:

                  int comparetime(time_t time1,time_t time2){
                   return difftime(time1,time2) > 0.0 ? 1 : -1; 

                  SECOND- 将字符串转换为时间:

                  SECOND- Convert string into time:

                  如果你转换 string 转化为 time_t结构有困难,你可以依次使用两个函数:

                  If you have difficulty to convert string into time_t struct, you can use two functions in sequence:

                  1. char *strptime(const char *buf, const char *format, struct tm *tm); 函数.将字符串转换为 struct tm

                  示例:将日期时间字符串 "Mar 21 11:51:20 AM" 转换为 struct tm 您需要三个格式化字符串:

                  Example: to convert date-time string "Mar 21 11:51:20 AM" into struct tm you need three formate strings:

                  %b :月份名称,可以是全名或缩写
                  %d:月中的第几天 [1–31].
                  %r :区域设置的 AM/PM 格式的时间.如果在本地时间格式中不可用,则默认为 POSIX 时间 AM/PM 格式:%I:%M:%S %p.

                  %b : Month name, can be either the full name or an abbreviation
                  %d : Day of the month [1–31].
                  %r : Time in AM/PM format of the locale. If not available in the locale time format, defaults to the POSIX time AM/PM format: %I:%M:%S %p.

                • time_t mktime (struct tm * timeptr); 函数将 struct tm* 转换为 time_t


                  #include <stdio.h>
                  #include <time.h>
                  int main(void){
                      time_t t1, t2;
                      struct tm *timeptr,tm1, tm2;
                      char* time1 = "Mar 21 11:51:20 AM";
                      char* time2 = "Mar 21 10:20:05 AM";
                      //(1) convert `String to tm`:  
                      if(strptime(time1, "%b %d %r",&tm1) == NULL)
                  strptime failed
                      if(strptime(time2, "%b %d %r",&tm2) == NULL)
                  strptime failed
                      //(2)   convert `tm to time_t`:    
                      t1 = mktime(&tm1);
                      t2 = mktime(&tm2);  
                   t1 > t2 : %d", comparetime(t1, t2));
                   t2 > t1 : %d", comparetime(t2, t1));
                       return 1;


                   $ ./a.out 
                   t1 > t2 : 1
                   t2 > t1 : -1

                  要计算两个日期之间的差异,请阅读:在 C 中,您如何以小时为单位找到两个日期之间的差异?

                  To calculate difference between two dates read: How do you find the difference between two dates in hours, in C?

                  这篇关于如何以“月份日期 hh:mm:ss"格式比较两个时间戳检查 +ve 或 -ve 值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                • 上一篇:C `clock()` 函数只返回一个零 下一篇:当前日期和时间作为字符串


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