guys, I have a case that needs the child class needs to call its parent virtual function at first before call its override virtual function.
I want to hide this behavior from clients. Is there pattern on this?
For simple cases you can use a second, private member function for the overrideable behavior:
对于更复杂的层次结构(例如,您有多个继承级别),这是不可能的,因为任何派生类都可以覆盖任何虚拟成员函数(C++ 中没有 final
For more complex hierarchies (e.g. where you have multiple levels of inheritance), this isn't possible since any derived class can override any virtual member function (there is no final
in C++). Usually it is safe to assume that each derived class is doing the right thing. While I can think of a few times that I've run into issues because a derived class screwed up overriding, those cases were usually pretty straightforward to debug.
If you are really worried about it and really want to guarantee that base-class overrides are executed first, you could use something like this, though this is quite expensive (at least this naive implementation is quite expensive):
[This is just one option; someone else can probably come up with a far more elegant solution. Personally, I'd just make sure the virtual member functions are well-documented and leave it at that.]