我有一个方便的对象工厂模板,它可以通过类型 ID 名称创建对象.实现非常明显:ObjectFactory
包含从 std::string
I have the convenient object factory template that creates objects by their type id names. The implementation is pretty obvious: ObjectFactory
contains the map from std::string
to object creator function. Then all objects to be created shall be registered in this factory.
I use the following macro to do that:
Classes are defined and registered in factory simultaneously.
问题在于 regInFactory...
静态对象是在 .h 文件中定义的,因此它们将被添加到每个翻译单元中.同一个对象创建者会被多次注册,更重要的是会有很多静态存储时长的冗余对象.
The problem is that regInFactory...
static objects are defined in .h files, so they will be added to every translation unit. The same object creator will be registered several times, and, more important, there will be a lot of redundant objects with static storage duration.
Is there any way to do such elegant registration (not to copy/paste class and interface names), but do not spread redundant static objects around the globe?
如果一个好的解决方案需要一些 VC++ 特定的扩展(不符合 C++ 标准),我会接受.
If a good solution needs some VC++ specific extensions (not conforming to C++ standard), I will be OK with that.
So you want to put variables definitions in header file? There is a portable way: static variables of template classes. So we get:
请注意,我保留了 IFoo 非虚拟的继承.如果存在多次从该类继承的风险,则它应该是虚拟的.
Note that I've kept the inheritance of IFoo non virtual. If there is any risk of inheriting from that class multiple times, it should be virtual.