为什么我的简单 C++ GUI应用程序显示中文消息框?
我已经在 Visual C++ 中实现了如下代码块:
I have implemented this block of code as below in Visual C++:
however, no matter what i tried, it always show a message box in chinese! Therefore, i just want to ask for any solution for my problem and why there is chinese message here. Thanks you!
您忘记在字符串字面量之前放置 'L'.修改如下:
You forgot to place 'L' before the string literal. Modify as follows:
在 C++ 中,Unicode 字符串文字以 L
为前缀.如果您不添加前缀,则转换为unicode string constant"将无济于事,并会导致对内存位置的错误解释.
In C++ unicode string literals are prefixed with L
. If you don't put the prefix, casting to 'unicode string constant' won't help and causes incorrect interpreting of the memory location.