奇怪,我通过添加现有文件...将所需文件添加到资源中,文件就在那里.我运行 qmake ("Build->Run qmake") 以使文件可用.第一个问题:我无法从输出终端向文件中写入任何内容! 但是当我手动写入文件时,每次运行时输出终端都会显示变化它.第二个问题:它仍然显示 QIODevice::read: device not open !这是我的代码:
目前,Qt 始终将数据直接存储在可执行文件中,即使在操作系统为资源提供本机支持的 Windows、macOS 和 iOS 上也是如此....
It's strange, I add desired file into the resources via Add Existing Files..., the file is there. I run qmake ("Build->Run qmake") to make the file available. The first issue: I can't write anything into the file from output terminal! But when I manually write into the file, the output terminal shows the change every time I run it. Second issue: it still says QIODevice::read: device not open ! Here's my code:
And here's output terminal of the code:
The files saved in a qresource are read-only since they are part of the executable so you can not write or modify them.
Currently, Qt always stores the data directly in the executable, even on Windows, macOS, and iOS, where the operating system provides native support for resources. ...
这篇关于如何在 Qt 5 中写入和读取 QResource 文件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!