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      如何稳健地解析文档的任何标题并构建 &lt;ul&gt;只是那些标题的树

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              • 本文介绍了如何稳健地解析文档的任何标题并构建 &lt;ul&gt;只是那些标题的树的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                所以我解析了一个文档,以便使用 stackHeadings() 获取所有标题.我这样做是为了使用 buildNav() 构建 Microsoft Word 样式的文档地图.这目前工作正常,但它不是很健壮,并且在标题不遵循严格顺序的任何时候都会中断......例如(如果你从 H2 开始它会中断,如果你在下面嵌套一个 H3 并且 H1 它会中断,等等......)

                So I parse through a document in order to grab all the headings with stackHeadings(). I do this in order to build a Microsoft Word style document map with buildNav(). This currently works OK but its not very robust and breaks anytime the headings do not follow a strict order... e.g. (If you start with an H2 it breaks, if you nest a H3 under and H1 it breaks, etc...)

                我无法确定解决此问题的最佳方法(使其更强大).我正在利用 jQuery 的 `nextUntil' 函数来查找两个 h1 之间的所有 h2.

                I can't quite figure out the best way to fix this (make it more robust). I'm taking advantage of jQuery's `nextUntil' function to find all the h2s between two h1s.


                elem.nextUntil( 'h' + cur, 'h' + next )

                elem.nextUntil( 'h' + cur, 'h' + next + ',h' + (next + 1) + ',h' + (next + 2) ... )

                查找同一级别的两个标题之间的所有子标题.但是现在 h1s 的 h3 子节点只会嵌套一层而不是两层.

                to find ALL subheadings between two headings of the same level. But now h3 children of h1s would only be nested one level rather than two.

                因此,您必须将当前标题级别与父标题级别进行比较,如果跳跃超过一个 (h1 -> h3),则必须在它们之间创建一个空子作为缺少 h2 的嵌套占位符.

                So then you'd have to compare the current heading level with the parent heading level, and if there's a jump of more than one (h1 -> h3), you'd have to create an empty child between them as a nesting placeholder for the missing h2.


                Any ideas or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

                stackHeadings = (items, cur, counter) ->
                    cur = 1 if cur == undefined
                    counter ?= 1
                    next = cur + 1
                    for elem, index in items
                      elem = $(elem)
                      children  =  filterHeadlines( elem.nextUntil( 'h' + cur, 'h' + next ) )
                      d.children = stackHeadings( children, next, counter ) if children.length > 0
                filterHeadlines = ( $hs ) ->
                    _.filter( $hs, ( h ) -> $(h).text().match(/[^s]/) )
                buildNav = ( ul, items ) ->
                    for child, index in items
                        li = $( "<li>" )
                        $( ul ).append( li )
                        $a = $("<a/>")
                        $a.attr( "id", "nav-title-" + child.id )
                        li.append( $a )
                        if child.children
                            subUl = document.createElement( 'ul' )
                            li.append( subUl )
                            buildNav( subUl, child.children )
                items = stackHeadings( filterHeadlines( source.find( 'h1' ) ) )
                ul = $('<ul>')
                buildNav( ul, items)


                我拼凑了一些 JavaScript,可以满足你的需求 http://jsfiddle.net/fA4EW/

                I threw together some JavaScript that will do what you want http://jsfiddle.net/fA4EW/

                这是一个相当简单的递归函数,它使用一组元素(节点)并相应地构建 UL 结构.为了与问题保持一致,当您从 H1 到 H3 等时,我添加了占位符(空)列表元素.

                It's a fairly straightforward recursive function that consumes an array of elements (nodes) and builds the UL structure accordingly. To be consistent with the question I add the placeholder (empty) list elements when you from an H1 to an H3 etc.

                function buildRec(nodes, elm, lv) {
                    var node;
                    // filter
                    do {
                        node = nodes.shift();
                    } while(node && !(/^h[123456]$/i.test(node.tagName)));
                    // process the next node
                    if(node) {
                        var ul, li, cnt;
                        var curLv = parseInt(node.tagName.substring(1));
                        if(curLv == lv) { // same level append an il
                            cnt = 0;
                        } else if(curLv < lv) { // walk up then append il
                            cnt = 0;
                            do {
                                elm = elm.parentNode.parentNode;
                            } while(cnt > (curLv - lv));
                        } else if(curLv > lv) { // create children then append il
                            cnt = 0;
                            do {
                                li = elm.lastChild;
                                if(li == null)
                                    li = elm.appendChild(document.createElement("li"));
                                elm = li.appendChild(document.createElement("ul"));
                            } while(cnt < (curLv - lv));
                        li = elm.appendChild(document.createElement("li"));
                        // replace the next line with archor tags or whatever you want
                        li.innerHTML = node.innerHTML;
                        // recursive call
                        buildRec(nodes, elm, lv + cnt);
                // example usage
                var all = document.getElementById("content").getElementsByTagName("*");
                var nodes = []; 
                for(var i = all.length; i--; nodes.unshift(all[i]));
                var result = document.createElement("ul");
                buildRec(nodes, result, 1);

                这篇关于如何稳健地解析文档的任何标题并构建 &lt;ul&gt;只是那些标题的树的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:咖啡脚本不会在页面更改时触发,但适用于页面加载.[导轨 5] 下一篇:Rails 3.1 Ajax 问题


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