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      1. 如何在 JavaScript 中创建 CoffeeScript 风格的存在运算符?

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                  本文介绍了如何在 JavaScript 中创建 CoffeeScript 风格的存在运算符?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  CoffeeScript 将 user?.id 变成

                  CoffeeScript turns user?.id into

                  if (typeof user !== "undefined" && user !== null) {

                  是否可以创建一个 JavaScript 函数 exists 来做类似的事情?即

                  Is it possible to create a JavaScript function exists that would do something similar? i.e.


                  将导致 user.idnull

                  如果一个函数接受另一个参数,即 exists(user, 'id') 会更容易,但这看起来不太好.

                  It would be easier if a function accepts another parameter, i.e. exists(user, 'id'), but that wouldn't look as nice.



                  No, you can't produce such a function. The problem is that this:


                  如果 undeclared_variable 没有在任何地方声明,

                  将产生一个 ReferenceError.例如,如果您运行此独立代码:

                  will produce a ReferenceError if undeclared_variable was not declared anywhere. For example, if you run this stand alone code:

                  function f() { }

                  你会得到一个 ReferenceError 因为 pancakes 没有在任何地方声明.演示:http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/wSZaL/

                  you'll get a ReferenceError because pancakes was not declared anywhere. Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/wSZaL/

                  但是,typeof operator 可用于尚未声明的内容,因此:

                  However, the typeof operator can be used on something that has not been declared so this:

                  console.log(typeof pancakes);

                  将简单地在控制台中记录一个 undefined.演示:http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/et2Nv/

                  will simply log an undefined in the console. Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/et2Nv/

                  如果您不介意可能的 ReferenceErrors,那么您的问题中已经有了必要的功能:

                  If you don't mind possible ReferenceErrors then you already have the necessary function in your question:

                  function exists(obj, key) {
                      if (typeof obj !== "undefined" && obj !== null)
                          return obj[key];
                      return null; // Maybe you'd want undefined instead

                  或者,由于您不需要能够在此处对未声明的变量使用 typeof,您可以将其简化为:

                  or, since you don't need to be able to use typeof on undeclared variables here, you can simplify it down to:

                  function exists(obj, key) {
                      if(obj != null)
                        return obj[key];
                      return null;

                  注意对 != 的更改,undefined == null 为真,即使 undefined === null 不是.

                  Note the change to !=, undefined == null is true even though undefined === null is not.

                  这篇关于如何在 JavaScript 中创建 CoffeeScript 风格的存在运算符?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如果 src 是 base64 字符串,如何获取新创建的 Image() 的文件大小? 下一篇:如何在 atom 的包内设置断点?


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