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      2. 无需 ssl 的双向密码加密

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                1. 本文介绍了无需 ssl 的双向密码加密的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在使用基本身份验证 Twitter API (不再可用)将 twitter 与我博客的评论系统集成.这个和许多其他 Web API 的问题是它们需要用户的用户名和密码才能做任何有用的事情.我不想处理安装 SSL 证书的麻烦和成本,但我也不希望密码以明文形式通过网络传递.

                  I am using the basic-auth twitter API (no longer available) to integrate twitter with my blog's commenting system. The problem with this and many other web APIs out there is that they require the user's username and password to do anything useful. I don't want to deal with the hassle and cost of installing a SSL certificate, but I also don't want passwords passed over the wire in clear text.



                  This is my current solution and I'd like to know if there are any holes in it:

                  1. 在服务器上生成一个随机密钥(我使用的是 php).
                  2. 将密钥保存在会话中,并将密钥输出到 javascript 变量中.
                  3. 在提交表单时,使用 JavaScript 中的三重 DES 和密钥来加密密码.
                  4. 在服务器上,使用会话中的密钥解密密码,然后销毁会话.


                  The end result is that only the encrypted password is sent over the wire and the key is only used once and never sent with the password. Problem solved?


                  1. 在服务器上生成一个随机密钥(我使用的是 php).
                  2. 将密钥保存在会话中,并将密钥输出到 javascript 变量中.
                  3. 在表单提交时,使用 JavaScript 中的 Triple DES 和密钥来加密密码.


                  This avoids sending the password in the clear over the wire, but it requires you to send the key in the clear over the wire, which would allow anyone eavesdropping to decode the password.


                  It's been said before and I'll say it again: don't try to make up your own cryptographic protocols! There are established protocols out there for this kind of thing that have been created, peer reviewed, beat on, hacked on, poked and prodded by professionals, use them! No one person is going to be able to come up with something better than the entire cryptographic and security community working together.

                  这篇关于无需 ssl 的双向密码加密的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:使用 ajax 请求安全地发送密码 下一篇:如何使输入字段类型既是数字又是密码?


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