我在 Express 服务器上使用 Node 'form-data' 模块来构造对来自客户端浏览器的 fetch 请求的 multipart/form-data 响应(这也是使用 fetch 的 multipart,但在服务器上接收良好在服务器上使用 multer).当服务器发回表单数据响应时,我在获取客户端收到响应时收到错误 - 无法将内容解析为 FormData."(本机 FormData)(注意:这与 Express 解析器不解析多部分不同,这是浏览器上的本机获取客户端,不解析节点表单数据)我在服务器响应或客户端响应处理中做错了什么?
I am using the Node 'form-data' module on an Express server to construct a multipart/form-data response to a fetch request from the client browser (which also a multipart using fetch, but is received fine at the server using multer on the server). When server sends back a form-data response I get error at the fetch client on receipt of response - "Could not parse content as FormData."(the native FormData) (Note: This is different from Express parsers not parsing multipart, this is the native fetch client on browser not parsing a node form-data) What am I doing wrong in the server response or client repsonse processing?
const formdata = require('form-data')
app.post(req,res,next) {
// ... process the request and construct form-data response...//
var form = new formdata();
form.append("serverResponse", "Reply from server to fetch request from client")
//... send request to server which has no problem, but returncannot decode the response as FormData
return fetch( pRequest )
.then(response => {
return response.formData() //***this throws 'Could not parse content as FormData***
.then(result => console.log(JSON.stringify(result))
Set the header "Content-Type" of your response to "multipart/form-data".