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      1. <i id='APdn8'><tr id='APdn8'><dt id='APdn8'><q id='APdn8'><span id='APdn8'><b id='APdn8'><form id='APdn8'><ins id='APdn8'></ins><ul id='APdn8'></ul><sub id='APdn8'></sub></form><legend id='APdn8'></legend><bdo id='APdn8'><pre id='APdn8'><center id='APdn8'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='APdn8'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='APdn8'><tfoot id='APdn8'></tfoot><dl id='APdn8'><fieldset id='APdn8'></fieldset></dl></div>

      2. 如果条件为假,则阻止默认


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                • 本文介绍了如果条件为假,则阻止默认的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个链接.当有人点击它时,我想在让它工作之前检查一些条件.如果它是 false,则应该阻止默认操作.

                  I have a link. When some one clicks on that I want to check some conditions before letting it work. If it's false the default action should be prevented.

                  $(".pager-next a.active").click(function(event) {
                      if (!a == 1) {

                  只有当 a 等于 1 时,该链接才有效.上面的代码是否正确.如果满足特定条件,则 a 设置为 1.该链接只有在满足条件时才有效.

                  The link should only work if a is equal to 1. Is the above code correct. a is set to 1 if a particular condition is met. The link should only work if the condition is met.


                  假设 'should only work if a is equal to 1' 你的意思是 a 元素等于 1,试试这个:

                  Assuming by 'should only work if a is equal to 1' you mean the text of the a element is equal to 1, try this:

                  $(".pager-next a.active").click(function(event) {
                      if ($(this).text() != "1") {

                  您可以修改 text() 以使用 jQuery 中可用的元素属性.

                  You can amend text() to use whichever attribute of the element is available to you in jQuery.


                  my a 是一个 var,在满足条件之前保持值为 0.

                  my a is a var which hold the value 0 until a condition is met.


                  In which case, the problem was simply that your equality operator was incorrect:

                  $(".pager-next a.active").click(function(event) {
                      if (a != 1) {


                  上一篇:带有多个表达式的 JavaScript 中的三元运算符? 下一篇:是否有包括样式表在内的浏览器条件列表?


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