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      1. 如何检查表单输入是否有价值

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                • 本文介绍了如何检查表单输入是否有价值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试检查表单输入是否有任何值(无论该值是什么),以便我可以将该值附加到提交时的操作 URL(如果它确实存在).我需要在添加值之前添加参数的名称,并且只留下一个空白的参数名称,如P =",没有任何值会弄乱页面.

                  I'm trying to check if a form input has any value (doesn't matter what the value is) so that I can append the value to the action URL on submit if it does exist. I need to add the name of the param before adding the value, and just leaving a blank param name like "P=" without any value messes up the page.


                  function getParam() {
                  // reset url in case there were any previous params inputted
                      document.form.action = 'http://www.domain.com'
                      if (document.getElementById('p').value == 1) {
                          document.form.action += 'P=' + document.getElementById('p').value;
                      if (document.getElementbyId('q').value == 1) {
                          document.form.action += 'Q=' + document.getElementById('q').value;


                  <form name="form" id="form" method="post" action="">
                      <input type="text" id="p" value="">
                      <input type="text" id="q" value="">
                      <input type="submit" value="Update" onClick="getParam();">

                  我认为设置 value == 1 会做一个简单的存在,不存在检查,不管提交的值是什么,但我想我错了.

                  I thought setting value == 1 would do a simple exists, doesn't exist check regardless of what the submitted value was, but I guess I'm wrong.

                  另外,我正在使用 if 语句,但我认为这是糟糕的代码,因为我没有 else.也许,使用 switch 语句,虽然我不确定我将如何设置它.也许:

                  Also, I'm using if statements, but I believe that's bad code, since I don't have an else. Perhaps, using a switch statement, though I'm not sure how I would set that up. Perhaps:

                  switch(value) {
                      case document.getElementById('p').value == 1 :
                          document.form.action += 'P=' + document.getElementById('p').value; :
                      case document.getElementById('q').value == 1 :
                          document.form.action += 'Q=' + document.getElementById('q').value; break;


                  var val = document.getElementById('p').value;
                  if (/^s*$/.test(val)){
                     //value is either empty or contains whitespace characters
                     //do not append the value
                     //code for appending the value to url

                  P.S.:它比检查 value.length 更好,因为 ' '.length = 3.

                  P.S.: Its better than checking against value.length because ' '.length = 3.


                  上一篇:HTML IF 语句 下一篇:仅适用于 Internet Explorer 10 的条件 CSS


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