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      1. 情节上任何地方的情节点击事件

      2. <tfoot id='lV4Od'></tfoot>

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                • 本文介绍了情节上任何地方的情节点击事件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我是 r-plotly 的新手,并试图弄清楚如何处理不在数据上的点击.似乎使用 event_data("plotly_click") 我得到了数据点上的事件,但到目前为止还没有弄清楚如何为不接近数据的点击执行此操作,但是就在情节的白色部分.

                  来自绘图的闪亮点击事件可以做到这一点,我只得到点击的 x 和 y.我想要类似的,但对于情节.



                  这是使用 plotlyProxy 而不是重新渲染的相同方法 - 偏移量更糟:

                  图书馆(情节)图书馆(闪亮)图书馆(htmlwidgets)ui <-流体页面(plotlyOutput("myPlot"),逐字文本输出(点击"))服务器 <- 功能(输入,输出,会话){js <-"函数(el,x,输入名称){var id = el.getAttribute('id');var gd = document.getElementById(id);var d3 = Plotly.d3;Plotly.plot(id).then(attach);函数附加(){var xaxis = gd._fullLayout.xaxis;var yaxis = gd._fullLayout.yaxis;var l = gd._fullLayout.margin.l;var t = gd._fullLayout.margin.t;var 坐标 = [null, null]gd.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {var 坐标 = [xaxis.p2c(evt.x - l), yaxis.p2c(evt.y - t)];Shiny.setInputValue(inputName, 坐标);});};}"clickposition_history <-reactiveVal(data.frame(x = NA, y = NA))观察事件(输入$点击位置,{clickposition_history(rbind(clickposition_history(), input$clickposition))})输出$myPlot <- renderPlotly({plot_ly(data.frame(x = NA, y = NA), x = ~x, y = ~y, type = "scatter", mode = "markers") %>%onRender(js, data = "点击位置")})myPlotProxy <- plotlyProxy(myPlot", session)观察({plotlyProxyInvoke(myPlotProxy, "restyle", list(x = list(clickposition_history()$x), y = list(clickposition_history()$y)))})输出$click <- renderPrint({clickposition_history()})}闪亮的应用程序(用户界面,服务器)

                  相关的 GitHub 问题 和 PR.

                  I am new to r-plotly and trying to figure out how to handle clicks which are not on the data. It seems that using event_data("plotly_click") I get events that are on points from the data, but so far have not figured out how to do this for clicks which are not close to the data, but just on the white part of the plot.

                  Shiny click events from plots can do this and I just get the x and y of the click. I want similar, but for plotly plots.

                  Can I specify click events to be from anywhere on the plotly plot, not just on the data?

                  EDIT: Surprisingly this does not exist yet in plotly. See this feature request



                  So until this feature is added, I guess my question is what options are there to do this? Seems like such a basic feature, that I hope someone with more knowledge of JavaScript/Shiny/Plotly has hacked into.


                  Please check the following workaround based on this codepen I found via this question.

                  However, there is a small horizontal offset I couldn't get rid of so far - maybe someone knows how to fix it?

                  ui <- fluidPage(
                  server <- function(input, output, session) {
                    js <- "
                      function(el, x, inputName){
                        var id = el.getAttribute('id');
                        var gd = document.getElementById(id);
                        var d3 = Plotly.d3;
                          function attach() {
                            var xaxis = gd._fullLayout.xaxis;
                            var yaxis = gd._fullLayout.yaxis;
                            var l = gd._fullLayout.margin.l;
                            var t = gd._fullLayout.margin.t;
                            var coordinates = [null, null]
                            gd.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
                              var coordinates = [xaxis.p2c(evt.x - l), yaxis.p2c(evt.y - t)];
                              Shiny.setInputValue(inputName, coordinates);
                    clickposition_history <- reactiveVal(data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10))
                    observeEvent(input$clickposition, {
                      clickposition_history(rbind(clickposition_history(), input$clickposition))
                    output$graph <- renderPlotly({
                        plot_ly(clickposition_history(), x = ~x, y = ~y, type = "scatter", mode = "markers") %>%
                        onRender(js, data = "clickposition")
                    output$click <- renderPrint({
                  shinyApp(ui, server)


                  Here is the same approach using plotlyProxy instead of re-rendering - the offset is even worse:

                  ui <- fluidPage(
                  server <- function(input, output, session) {
                    js <- "
                      function(el, x, inputName){
                        var id = el.getAttribute('id');
                        var gd = document.getElementById(id);
                        var d3 = Plotly.d3;
                          function attach() {
                            var xaxis = gd._fullLayout.xaxis;
                            var yaxis = gd._fullLayout.yaxis;
                            var l = gd._fullLayout.margin.l;
                            var t = gd._fullLayout.margin.t;
                            var coordinates = [null, null]
                            gd.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
                              var coordinates = [xaxis.p2c(evt.x - l), yaxis.p2c(evt.y - t)];
                              Shiny.setInputValue(inputName, coordinates);
                    clickposition_history <- reactiveVal(data.frame(x = NA, y = NA))
                    observeEvent(input$clickposition, {
                      clickposition_history(rbind(clickposition_history(), input$clickposition))
                    output$myPlot <- renderPlotly({
                      plot_ly(data.frame(x = NA, y = NA), x = ~x, y = ~y, type = "scatter", mode = "markers") %>%
                        onRender(js, data = "clickposition")
                    myPlotProxy <- plotlyProxy("myPlot", session)
                      plotlyProxyInvoke(myPlotProxy, "restyle", list(x = list(clickposition_history()$x), y = list(clickposition_history()$y)))
                    output$click <- renderPrint({
                  shinyApp(ui, server)

                  Related GitHub issue and PR.


                  上一篇:绘制更新数据 下一篇:使用 RequireJS 加载 plotly 和 D3


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