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      在 Windows 8 中将用户重定向到桌面浏览器


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                本文介绍了在 Windows 8 中将用户重定向到桌面浏览器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                如果用户使用 windows 8 RT 浏览器访问我的网页,是否有办法强制或提示用户使用 windows 8 桌面浏览器?我希望能够使用 Silverlight 之类的插件.

                Is there a way to force or prompt a user to use the windows 8 desktop browser if they hit my web page with the windows 8 RT browser? I want to be able to use plugins like Silverlight.


                可以,可以提示用户切换到桌面版.微软将此添加为需要它的站点的后备.(但不适用于 JavaScript)

                Yes, you can prompt users to switch to the Desktop version. Microsoft added this as a fallback for sites that need it. (But not with JavaScript)


                拥有需要插件的网站的开发人员可以使用 HTTP 标头或元标记向 Metro 风格的 Internet Explorer 发出信号以提示用户.

                Developers with sites that need plug-ins can use an HTTP header or meta tag to signal Metro style Internet Explorer to prompt the user.

                HTTP 标头

                X-UA-Compatible: requiresActiveX=true


                <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="requiresActiveX=true"/>

                Metro 风格的 IE10 会检测到这些标志,并为消费者提供在桌面上切换到 IE10 的一键式选项:

                Metro style IE10 detects these flags, and provides the consumer a one-touch option to switch to IE10 on the desktop:

                不过,Microsoft 强烈鼓励我们转向无 HTM5 插件的世界.是否会发生这种情况还有待观察,但如果他们将来越来越难使用插件,我也不会感到惊讶.它们是大量安全漏洞的根源.

                Microsoft is strongly encouraging us, however, to move to an HTM5 plug-in free world. Whether that happens or not remains to be seen, but it wouldn't surprise me if they made it harder and harder to use plug-ins in the future. They're the source of plenty of security holes.

                从长远来看,最好开始在代码中消除插件的使用.考虑到大量的 Android、IOS 和其他平板电脑和手机,这是有道理的.跨平台 Web 开发从未像现在这样重要,我打赌这将继续成为趋势.

                So long-term, it might be better to start eliminating the use of plug-ins in your code. That makes sense considering the plethora of Android, IOS, and other tablets and phones out there. Cross-platform web development has never been more important than it is now, and I'm betting that will continue to be the trend.

                这篇关于在 Windows 8 中将用户重定向到桌面浏览器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:如何判断 JS Windows8 Metro 应用程序是否可见 下一篇:如何从 azure 数据库中获取行数?


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