给定一个客户端游戏(我们称之为游戏 X) 和一个存储高分的服务器端数据库,如何在游戏结束后将高分安全地发送到服务器一种只有在实际玩过游戏时才能完成的方法(从而防止后期劫持).
Given a Client Side Game (lets call it game X) and a server side database that stores the high scores how can after the end condition of the game securely sumbit a high score to the server in a way that can only be done if the game was actually played (thus to prevent post hijacking).
** 在游戏开始时发送一个在给定时间后过期的会话 ID 以发送到服务器进行验证
** Upon the game start send a session ID that expires after a given amount of time to be sent to the server for verification
问题在于,这很容易通过请求起始 id 然后伪造分数来利用
** 游戏中的检查点发布到服务器以验证该人是否真的在玩游戏
** Checkpoints within the game that post to the server to verify the person is actually playing the game
Upload a replay of the game and verify the score from that replay on the server. Of course this works only if your game supports replays.
At minimum create a rough log of what's happening ingame and apply some plausibility checks.
您还应该添加一些游戏内一致性检查.否则,我将只使用 ArtMoney 之类的工具,并在游戏过程中更改分数.
You should also add some ingame consistency checks. Else I'll just use a tool like ArtMoney and change the score during the game.
But in the end if the user writes a bot it gets really hard.