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        关闭 HTML &lt;输入&gt;标签问题

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                1. <legend id='wLxMQ'><style id='wLxMQ'><dir id='wLxMQ'><q id='wLxMQ'></q></dir></style></legend>
                  本文介绍了关闭 HTML &lt;输入&gt;标签问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  为什么 HTML <input> 标签没有像其他 HTML 标签一样获得结束标签,如果我们关闭输入标签会出现什么问题?

                  我尝试谷歌并找到了编写像这样的输入标签的标准 <input type="text"name="name"> 没有用 </input> 关闭它.


                  Radio 按钮创建输入标签时,我个人感觉到了这个问题

                  var DOM_tag = document.createElement("input");

                  这虽然创建了一个单选按钮,但是我将 TextNode 附加到单选按钮

                  document.createTextNode("Radio Label");

                  不起作用.它只是显示没有 Radio Label 的单选按钮,如本例所示.




                  我遇到的主要问题是输入标签的自动关闭,正如我在问题中提到的,因为我使用的是自动创建的 var DOM_tag = document.createElement("input");结束标记.我该怎么办?


                  这些都是 void 元素.这意味着它们不是为包含文本或其他元素而设计的,因此不需要——事实上,不能有——HTML 中的结束标记.1

                  但是,它们可以有一个与之关联的 <label>:

                  单选按钮本质上不能包含文本,因此它们接受文本或其他元素作为内容是没有意义的.接受文本作为输入的控件的另一个问题:它的文本内容应该是它的值还是它的标签?为了避免歧义,我们有一个 <label> 元素,它完全按照它在锡上所说的那样做,我们有一个 value 属性来表示输入控件的值.p><小时>

                  1 XHTML 不同;根据 XML 规则,每个标签都必须打开和关闭;这是使用快捷语法而不是 </input> 标记完成的,尽管后者同样可以接受:

                  Why don't the HTML <input> tags get a closing tag like other HTML tags and what would go wrong if we do close the input tag?

                  I tried to Google and I found the standard to write a input tag like this <input type="text" name="name"> not closing it with a </input>.

                  I personally felt the problem when I created an input tag for Radio buttons using

                  var DOM_tag = document.createElement("input");

                  This though created a radio button, but the TextNode I appended to the radio button with

                  document.createTextNode("Radio Label");

                  does not work. It simply shows the radio button with no Radio Label as in this case.

                  Though I can see the complete code:

                  <input id="my_id" type="radio" name="radio_name">Radio Label</input>

                  What is explanation?


                  The main problem that occurred to me is the automatically closing of input tag as I mentioned in the question as I am using var DOM_tag = document.createElement("input"); which automatically creates a closing tag. What should I do about that?


                  These are void elements. This means they aren't designed to contain text or other elements, and as such do not need — and in fact, cannot have — a closing tag in HTML.1

                  However, they can have a <label> associated with them:

                  <input id="my_id" type="radio" name="radio_name">
                  <label for="my_id">Radio Label</label>

                  Radio buttons by nature can't contain text anyway, so it wouldn't make sense for them to accept text or other elements as content. Another issue with a control that does accept text as input: should its textual content then be its value, or its label? To avoid ambiguity we have a <label> element that does exactly what it says on the tin, and we have a value attribute for denoting an input control's value.

                  1 XHTML is different; by XML rules, every tag must be opened and closed; this is done with the shortcut syntax instead of a </input> tag, although the latter is equally acceptable:

                  <input id="my_id" type="radio" name="radio_name" />
                  <label for="my_id">Radio Label</label>

                  这篇关于关闭 HTML &lt;输入&gt;标签问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

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