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      1. 二进制数组到画布


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                  我想将 jpeg 图像从二进制数组加载到画布(目前正在尝试使用 Uint8Array).我一直在网上寻找解决方案,但我能找到的只是将数组转换为 base64,然后加载效率不高的图像.

                  I'm would like to load a jpeg image to a canvas from a binary array (currently trying with an Uint8Array). I've been looking all over the net for a solution but all I could find is converting the array to base64 and then loading the image which is not very efficient.


                  Here is my code used for loading the image:

                  <!DOCTYPE html>
                  <canvas id="MainImage" width="756" height="600">Your browser doesn't support html5</canvas>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                  _Request = new XMLHttpRequest();
                  var url = "http://localhost/AAA/S.jpg";
                  try {
                     _Request.onreadystatechange = function() {
                        if (_Request.readyState == 4 && _Request.status == 200) {
                           var downloadedBuffer = _Request.response;
                           if (downloadedBuffer) {
                              var binaryByteArr = new Uint8Array(downloadedBuffer);
                        _Request.open('GET', url, true);
                        _Request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
                  } catch (e) {


                  I would like to load this processed array of the image to a canvas.

                  这只是一个示例,我的原始代码接收一个二进制数组,其中包含多个 jpeg 图像在一个数组中,因此其他方法不起作用.

                  This is just a sample, my original code receives a binary array with multiple jpeg images in a single array so other methods wont work.



                  假设您有一种方法可以将二进制数组拆分为每个图像的数组(通过已知长度或使用 JPEG 标头来识别新图像),您可以使用 Blob 和一个对象 URL:

                  Assuming you have a way of splitting the binary array into arrays per image (either by a known length or using the JPEG header to identify the new image) you can use Blob and an object URL:

                  示例(基于 这个来自 MDN 的示例):

                  var imageData = GetTheTypedArraySomehow();
                  var blob = new Blob([imageData], {type: "image/jpeg"});
                  var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

                  现在您可以将图像的 url 设置为 src::

                  Now you can set the url as src for an image::

                  var img = new Image();
                  img.onload = function() {
                      /// draw image to canvas
                      context.drawImage(this, x, y);
                  img.src = url;


                  上一篇:鼠标点击在画布上画一个圆圈 下一篇:HTML5、JavaScript 和在画布中绘制多个矩形


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