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        HTML5 Canvas - 混合多个 translate() 和 scale() 调用

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                  本文介绍了HTML5 Canvas - 混合多个 translate() 和 scale() 调用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我只是想知道 Canvas 转换是如何工作的.假设我有一个画布,里面有一个圆圈,我想缩放圆圈,所以它的中心点不会移动.所以我想到了做以下事情:

                  I just wonder how do the Canvas transformations work. Lets say i have a canvas with a circle drawn somewhere inside of it, and i want to scale the circle, so its center point will not move. So i thought about doing the following:

                  translate(-circle.x, -circle.y);
                  // Now, Draw the circle by calling arc() and fill()


                  Is it the right way to do it? I just don't understand whether the canvas was designed to remember the order that i call the transformations.





                  因此,如果您缩放 2X,您的圆圈将以 2X 绘制......并且(!)之后的每次绘制都将是 2X.

                  So if you scale 2X, your circle will be drawn at 2X…and(!) every draw after that will be 2X.


                  That’s where saving the context is useful.

                  如果你想将你的圆圈缩放 2 倍,但随后的每个绘图都在正常的 1 倍,你可以使用这种模式.

                  If you want to scale your circle by 2X but then have every subsequent drawing be at normal 1X you can use this pattern.

                  // save the current 1X context
                  // move (translate) to where you want your circle’s center to be
                  // scale the context
                  // draw your circle
                  // note: since we’re already translated to your circles center, we draw at [0,0].
                  // restore the context to it’s beginning state:  1X and not-translated

                  在 Context.restore 之后,您的平移和缩放将不适用于进一步的绘图.

                  After Context.restore, your translate and scale will not apply to further drawings.

                  这篇关于HTML5 Canvas - 混合多个 translate() 和 scale() 调用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何使用 jQuery/CSS3 创建“滑入式画廊面板"? 下一篇:Konva - 使用旋转并保持在界限内


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