Internet Explorer 9 拖放 (DnD)

本文介绍了Internet Explorer 9 拖放 (DnD)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


有谁知道为什么以下网站拖放示例(以及许多其他在线教程)在 Internet Explorer 9 中不起作用?Chrome、FireFox 和 Safari 都可以.

Does anyone know why the following web site drag and drop examples (plus many other tutorials online) don't work in Internet Explorer 9? Chrome, FireFox and Safari are all OK.

我认为 IE9 应该是最符合 HTML5 的浏览器?尤其是 DnD,因为他们从 IE5 开始就一直支持它.我必须在某处更改设置吗?

I thought IE9 was suppose to be the most HTML5 compliant browser? Especially with DnD since they have been supporting it since IE5. Do I have to change a setting somewhere?

我使用 HTML5 和 CSS3 的次数越多……IE9 越缺乏.

The more I play with HTML5 and CSS3...the more IE9 lacks.

谁有任何可以在 IE9 中使用的 DnD 教程的链接?

Does anyone have any links to DnD tutorials that work in IE9?


我在 IE9 中也遇到过同样奇怪的行为,似乎 IE9 不会对 div 进行拖放(HTML 5 样式).如果您将使用 href="#" 更改 A 的 div,您将能够拖放.

Well i have encountered this same weird behaviour in IE9, it appears to be that IE9 wont do a Drag and Drop (HTML 5 style) on div's. if you would change the div for a A with href="#" you will be able to drag and drop.


<div data-value="1" class="loadedmodule-container" draggable="true">drag</div>


<a href="#" data-value="1" class="loadedmodule-container" draggable="true">drag</a>


Hope this helps anyone

这篇关于Internet Explorer 9 拖放 (DnD)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:D3区分具有拖动行为的元素的单击和拖动 下一篇:如何制作&lt;div&gt;可调整大小?

