悬停子元素时触发 HTML5 dragleave

本文介绍了悬停子元素时触发 HTML5 dragleave的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我遇到的问题是当悬停该元素的子元素时会触发该元素的 dragleave 事件.另外,dragenter 在再次悬停父元素时不会触发.

The problem I'm having is that the dragleave event of an element is fired when hovering a child element of that element. Also, dragenter is not fired when hovering back the parent element again.


I made a simplified fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pimvdb/HU6Mk/1/.


<div id="drag" draggable="true">drag me</div>


<div id="drop">
    drop here

使用以下 JavaScript:

with the following JavaScript:

                 dragenter: function() {

                 dragleave: function() {

                 dragstart: function(e) {
                     e.allowedEffect = "copy";
                     e.setData("text/plain", "test");

它应该做的是在拖动某些东西时通过将 div 放置为红色来通知用户.这可行,但如果您拖入 p 子项,则 dragleave 会被触发,并且 div 不再是红色的.回到 drop div 也不会让它再次变红.需要完全移出drop div并再次拖回它以使其变为红色.

What it is supposed to do is notifying the user by making the drop div red when dragging something there. This works, but if you drag into the p child, the dragleave is fired and the div isn't red anymore. Moving back to the drop div also doesn't make it red again. It's necessary to move completely out of the drop div and drag back into it again to make it red.

是否可以防止 dragleave 在拖入子元素时触发?

Is it possible to prevent dragleave from firing when dragging into a child element?

2017 年更新: TL;DR,查找 CSS pointer-events: none;,如下面@HD 的回答中所述,适用于现代浏览器和 IE11.

2017 Update: TL;DR, Look up CSS pointer-events: none; as described in @H.D.'s answer below that works in modern browsers and IE11.


你只需要保留一个引用计数器,当你得到一个 dragenter 时增加它,当你得到一个 dragleave 时减少它.当计数器为 0 时 - 删除该类.

You just need to keep a reference counter, increment it when you get a dragenter, decrement when you get a dragleave. When the counter is at 0 - remove the class.

var counter = 0;

    dragenter: function(ev) {
        ev.preventDefault(); // needed for IE

    dragleave: function() {
        if (counter === 0) { 

注意:在 drop 事件中,将计数器重置为零,并清除添加的类.

Note: In the drop event, reset counter to zero, and clear the added class.


这篇关于悬停子元素时触发 HTML5 dragleave的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:将文件拖放到标准 html 文件输入中 下一篇:HTML5 File API 中的 FileReader.readAsText 如何工作?

