


我非常喜欢并使用 jQuery,但我希望为特殊项目找到替代解决方案.

I love and use jQuery quite a lot, but I am hoping to find an alternate solution for a special project.


I am creating a bookmarklet which will interface with my application to allow users to enter information much quicker. One of the greatest pains in my application at the moment is uploading images. Users (understandly) hate the process of downloading images to their computers in an organized fashion, and then uploading them to the app.

我希望小书签做的是加载一个小的 div 叠加层,其中包含几个小控件,包括一个允许用户将图像从当前页面拖放到控件中的控件.然后,该脚本会收集这些 img 标签的 URI,并将它们与表单一起提交给应用程序,然后服务器会自动将它们下载到应用程序中.

What I would love the bookmarklet to do is load in a small div overlay with a couple small controls in it, including one which would allow the user to drag and drop images from the current page into the control. The script would then collect the URI's of those img tags and submit them along with the form to the app, and then they would automatically be downloaded by the server into the app.

因此,对于这项任务,每次单击书签时都将 jQuery 和 jQuery UI 加载到页面中似乎是一种非常笨拙的方法.

So, for this task, loading jQuery and jQuery UI into the page every time you click the bookmarklet seems like a very heavy-handed approach.

谁能推荐一个不错的、轻量级的 Javascript 工具包,只处理拖放功能而不是其他功能?

我很高兴看到新的 DragDealer 工具,它看起来很棒,就在今天ajaxian,但它似乎只处理拖动而不是放下"(即,不是目标)

I was excited to read about the new DragDealer tool, which looks awesome, just today on ajaxian but it seems that it is built to handle only dragging and not "dropping" (i.e., not targets)



I think a library might not be the best solution and just try searching for a function/stand alone plugin/widget that just delivers this functionality for you such as

  • http://www.webreference.com/programming/javascript/mk/column2/
  • http://luke.breuer.com/tutorial/javascript-drag-and-drop-tutorial.aspx
  • http://tool-man.org/examples/dragging.html
