如何提供模拟文件来更改 <input type='file'> 的事件用于单

本文介绍了如何提供模拟文件来更改 <input type='file'> 的事件用于单元测试的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我在进行单元测试时遇到了困难,我想在其中验证文件的处理,通常可以通过 <input type='file'> 在视图中选择该文件.

I'm having difficulties with a unit test in which I want to verify the processing of a file, which would usually be selected in the view via <input type='file'>.

在我的 AngularJS 应用程序的控制器部分,文件在输入的更改事件中处理,如下所示:

In the controller part of my AngularJS app the file is processed inside the input's change event like so:

//bind the change event of the file input and process the selected file
inputElement.on("change", function (evt) {
    var fileList = evt.target.files;
    var selectedFile = fileList[0];
    if (selectedFile.size > 500000) {
        alert('File too big!');
    // ...

我希望 evt.target.files 在我的单元测试中包含我的模拟数据,而不是用户选择的文件.我意识到我自己无法实例化 FileListFile 对象,这将是浏览器正在使用的相应对象.因此,我将模拟 FileList 分配给输入的 files 属性并手动触发更改事件:

I'd like evt.target.files to contain my mock data instead of the user's selected file in my unit test. I realized that I can't instantiate a FileList and File object by myself, which would be the according objects the browser is working with. So I went with assigning a mock FileList to the input's files property and triggering the change event manually:

describe('document upload:', function () {
    var input;

    beforeEach(function () {
        input = angular.element("<input type='file' id='file' accept='image/*'>");
        spyOn(document, 'getElementById').andReturn(input);

    it('should check file size of the selected file', function () {
        var file = {
            name: "test.png",
            size: 500001,
            type: "image/png"

        var fileList = {
            0: file,
            length: 1,
            item: function (index) { return file; }

        input.files = fileList; // assign the mock files to the input element 
        input.triggerHandler("change"); // trigger the change event

        expect(window.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith('File too big!');


Unfortunately, this causes the following error in the controller which shows that this attempt failed because the files were not assigned to the input element at all:

TypeError: 'undefined' 不是对象(评估 'evt.target.files')

出于安全原因,我已经发现 input.files 属性是只读的.所以我开始了另一种方法,通过调度一个定制的更改来提供 files 属性,但仍然没有成功.

I already found out that the input.files property is read-only for security reasons. So I started another approach by dispatching a customized change which would provide the files property, but still without success.



让我们重新思考 AngularJS,DOM 必须在指令中处理

Let's rethink AngularJS, DOM must be handled in a directive

我们不应该在控制器中处理 DOM 元素,即 element.on('change', ..,尤其是为了测试目的.在控制器中,您与数据交谈,而不是与 DOM.

We should not deal with DOM element in a controller, i.e. element.on('change', .., especially for testing purpose. In a controller, You talk to data, not to DOM.

因此,那些 onchange 应该是如下的指令

Thus, those onchange should be a directive like the following

<input type="file" name='file' ng-change="fileChanged()" /> <br/>

但是,不幸的是,ng-change 不适用于 type="file".我不确定未来的版本是否适用于此.我们仍然可以应用相同的方法.

However, unfortunately, ng-change does not work well with type="file". I am not sure that the future version works with this or not. We still can apply the same method though.

<input type="file" 
  onchange="angular.element(this).scope().fileChanged(this.files)" />


and in the controller, we just simply define a method

$scope.fileChanged = function(files) {
  return files.0.length < 500000;

现在,一切都只是普通的控制器测试.不再需要处理 angular.element$compiletriggers 等!:)

Now, everything is just a normal controller test. No more dealing with angular.element, $compile, triggers, etc.! :)

describe(‘MyCtrl’, function() {
  it('does check files', inject(
    function($rootScope, $controller) {
      scope = $rootScope.new();
      ctrl = $controller(‘UploadCtrl’, {‘$scope’: scope});

      var files = { 0: {name:'foo', size: 500001} };


这篇关于如何提供模拟文件来更改 &lt;input type='file'&gt; 的事件用于单元测试的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:如何使用 Jasmine 对链式方法进行单元测试 下一篇:jasmine 运行和等待实际上是做什么的?

