电子:关闭 w X 与右键单击停靠并退出

本文介绍了电子:关闭 w X 与右键单击停靠并退出的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


在我的 Electron 应用程序中,我想做一些在其他 OSX 应用程序中经常做的事情.那就是...我不想关闭右上角的红色 X 的应用程序.但是,如果他们右键单击 Dock 中的应用程序图标,然后说退出,那么我想退出该应用程序.我该怎么做?

In my Electron app, I would like to do something that is done very often in other OSX apps. That is... I would like to NOT close the app of the red X is clicked in the top right. But, if they right click the app icon in the dock, and say Quit, then I would like to quit the app. How do I do this?

我已经尝试使用 rendererProcess 中的 onbeforeunload 事件以及 browserWindow.on("close", fn) 事件来尝试阻止这种情况.问题是他们都提交了 onbeforeunload 事件.而且我无法分辨红色 X 被单击和停靠图标被右键单击并被告知退出之间的区别.你能帮忙的话,我会很高兴.有没有其他人在 Electron for OSX 中这样做过?

I have tried using the onbeforeunload event from the rendererProcess, as well as the browserWindow.on("close", fn) event to try and prevent this. The problem is that they both file the onbeforeunload event. And I can't tell the different between the red X being clicked and the dock icon being right clicked and told to quit. Any help would be nice. Has anyone else done this in Electron for OSX?



if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
  var forceQuit = false;
  app.on('before-quit', function() {
    forceQuit = true;
  mainWindow.on('close', function(event) {
    if (!forceQuit) {

       * your process here

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上一篇:非常快的无限循环,不会阻塞 I/O 下一篇:Electron 收据热敏打印机

