



As the title of my question may be sufficiently understandable, I'll explain anyway.

我正在使用 Electron 进行个人项目,但我面临一个令人沮丧的问题:

I'm working on a personal project with Electron, and I'm facing a frustrating issue which is :

我想创建一个小窗口(50x50 像素),它会在所有其他窗口上方,即使它们是全屏的.我的意思是,即使我在 Youtube 上使用 Chrome 并进入全屏模式,我的窗口也会停留在上面.

I'd like to create a small window (50x50 px) which would be above every other window, even when those are fullscreen. I mean, even if I'm on Youtube with Chrome and I enter fullscreen, my window would stay on top of it.

基本上,我已经成功地将我的窗口置于所有其他窗口之上,一个简单的 setAlwaysOnTop(true) 就可以了.但是,Windows 中的任务栏一直显示,但如果我隐藏我的窗口或只是关闭它,任务栏就会消失,一切都很好.

Basically, I've succeeded in making my window above all the others, a simple setAlwaysOnTop(true) did the trick. However, the taskbar in Windows keeps showing, but if I hide my window or just close it, the taskbar disappears and everything's fine.


So my question is : How can I achieve to have a window above all the others, including fullscreen ones, which wouldn't make the taskbar visible ? (in my sense, the taskbar kills the fullscreen end-user experience).

详细信息:我的窗口启用了透明度,不需要信息亭模式和全屏模式,因为我只使用 50x50 像素.

Details : my window has transparency enabled, and both kiosk mode and fullscreen mode are not needed since I only use 50x50 px.




Well, I fixed the issue by doing this :

window = new BrowserWindow({ ...  type:'toolbar' ... });`

当您在通话时,这使得窗口与 Skype 窗口完全一样:它始终位于顶部,即使您在全屏浏览器中并且任务栏不会显示,除非您明确关注您的窗口.

This makes the window act exactly as the Skype Window when you're on call : It's always on top, even when you're in fullscreen browser and the taskbar won't show unless you focus explicitly your window.

备注:您的窗口不会位于诸如视频游戏(英雄联盟、Dota 等)之类的程序之上,因为它们通常会操纵图形渲染,因此您无法进入它们之上.

Remark : Your window won't be on top of programs such as video games (League of Legends, Dota, aso.) because they usually manipulate the graphical rendering so that you can't go on top of em.



上一篇:最小示例:从反应应用程序中打开电子窗口? 下一篇:Electron 无法正确安装,请删除 node_modules/并尝试重新安装

