电子版:1.3.3操作系统:Ubuntu 14.04
我想使用 Electron 将 XML 对象保存到 .xml 文件中.我试试这个:
I want to save a XML object into a .xml file with Electron. I try this:
const {dialog} = require("electron").remote;
A new windows is opening, I fill the name of the file but nothing has been saving.
API 不会为您保存文件.您必须使用返回的路径并使用 Node 来保存您的文件.
The showSaveDialog()
API does not save the file for you. You must use the returned path and use Node to save your file.
const {dialog} = require('electron').remote;
const fs = require('fs');
dialog.showSaveDialog({}).then((result) => {
fs.writeFile(result.filePath, MyFileData, (err) => {
// file saved or err
}).catch((err) => {
// err