一个好的文本转语音 JavaScript 库

本文介绍了一个好的文本转语音 JavaScript 库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在为我的应用程序寻找一个好的文本到语音 javascript 库.我环顾四周,看到了 Jtalk 和 speak.js.但我不确定该选择哪一个.我很想从人们那里了解它们的优缺点,我很想知道你们是否遇到过其他任何 Javascript 插件.

I am looking for a good text to speech javascript library for my application. I looked around and saw Jtalk and speak.js. But I'm not sure which one to go forth with. I'm curious to know from people about the pros and cons of them and I'm interested to know if there's any other Javascript plugin you guys came across.


I am basically visualizing a animation and I wanted to add some audio for sight-impaired people to tell them what is happening.


我建议你使用 JTtalk.这取决于您的目标人群是什么,因为法律上的盲人和您可能认为的盲人可能会有所不同,而且并非每个人都知道盲文.我看到 Jtalk 的好处真的取决于它所拥有的示例,以及它们的工作情况.使用 JTalk 完成项目的整个前端部分只花了我们 2 天时间,因为我们几乎只是编辑了它的示例.在我/我的团队看来,Speak.js 的学习曲线更加困难.但是,我们发现演讲有点含糊不清,并且存在理解问题,尤其是对于名称很多的文档(例如提及公司的股票文章).这就是我们改用盲文的原因.

Well I suggest you use JTtalk. It depends what your target crowd is, because legally blind and what you may think is blind can differ and not everyone knows Braille. The benefits I saw of Jtalk really relied on the examples it had, and how well they worked. To do our entire front-end part of the project with JTalk only took us 2 days, because we pretty much just edited the examples it had. Speak.js had a more difficult learning curve in my/my group's opinion. However, we found that the speech was a bit slurred and had comprehension issues, especially for documents where there were a lot of names (example stock articles mentioning companies). This is why we moved to Braille.


My senior design project was for the blind, however we realized that the text to speech wasn't where we wanted to go because we felt Braille was better. With Braille you can multitask better, easily go back and pause and most blind people can read Braille a lot faster then they can listen.

这篇关于一个好的文本转语音 JavaScript 库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:用于带有语法着色的 HTML 编辑器的 jQuery 插件 下一篇:Jquery 时间轴插件

