它不起作用.我确保 ID 是正确的,一切正常,但仍然无法正常工作.
It doesnt work. I made sure that the ID is right and everything and its still not working.
Considering we have no context on the error you're receiving, I'll provide a code example to see if this fixes your issue.
在这段代码中,我们使用 ready 事件,然后像您一样获取频道.此外,我们还检查频道是否未定义或为空,这意味着机器人无法找到频道或没有将其缓存.然后,我们加入并查看是否获得返回连接.如果我们这样做了,请将我们成功连接的事实记录到控制台.如果它没有成功连接,我们将捕获它并将其错误发送到控制台.
In this code, we use the ready event and then get the channel, like you do. In addition, we also check if the channel is undefined or null, meaning the bot was unable to find the channel or did not have it cached. Then, we join and see if we get a returning connection. If we do, log to the console the fact we successfully connected. If it didn't successfully connect, we'll catch it and error it to console.
在调试时包含日志记录以查看代码运行的距离以及可能出现问题的位置总是一个好主意.在 Node.js 中,捕获 unhandledRejections 也是一个好主意.否则,它们会使您的进程崩溃.您可以通过下面的代码示例来做到这一点.
It's always a good idea when debugging to include logging to see how far your code runs, and to see where issues may occur. In Node.js, it's also a good idea to catch for unhandledRejections. Otherwise, they will crash your process. You can do that via the code example below.
With the new information, I now very easily see the issue. Notice how in the error it says:
您可以看到您当前没有安装 FFMPEG.要安装 FFMPEG,请转到 this url 下载适用于您平台的源代码.查看 这个答案 看看如何在 Windows 上安装它.
You can see that you do not currently have FFMPEG installed. To install FFMPEG, go to this url to download the sources for your platform. Check out this answer to see how to install it on Windows.