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                  我目前正在通过解决来自项目 euler 的问题来练习我的编程技能,现在我在 Python 上遇到了一些(在我看来)奇怪的行为.

                  I'm practicing my progamming skills by solving problems from project euler at the moment, and now I've come across some (in my opinion) strange behavior on Python.


                  list = [[1]]*20

                  正如预期的那样,我得到了一个包含元素 1 的 20 个列表的列表.但是,当我想将 2 附加到此列表中的第三个元素时,我会这样做:

                  I get a list of 20 lists containing element 1, as expected. However, when I would like to append a 2 to the third element from this list, I would do that as follows:



                  This however changes ALL the elements in the list. Even when I take a detour, like:

                  l = list[3]
                  list[3] = l


                  All my elements get changed. Can anyone please tell me how to do this and get an output like so:

                  [[1], [1], [1], [1, 2], [1] .... [1]]



                  Python 列表是可变对象,所以当您执行 [[1]]*20 时,它会创建 one 列出对象[1],然后在顶层列表中放置20个对它的引用.

                  Python lists are mutable objects, so when you do [[1]]*20 it creates one list object [1] and then places 20 references to it in the toplevel list.


                  As far as the mutability problem is concerned, this is the same as the following

                  a = [1,2,3]
                  b = a
                  a # [1,2,3,4]

                  这是因为 b=a 只是将 referencea 复制到 b 的列表实例.它们都指的是同一个实际列表.

                  This happens because b=a merely copies the reference to the list instance from a to b. They are both referring to the same actual list.


                  In order to create a list of lists, like you tried above, you need to create a unique list for each entry. A list comprehension works nicely:

                  mainlist = [[1] for x in range(20)]
                  mainlist # [[1,2],[1],[1],...]


                  顺便说一句,由于类型名称是 Python 中的元类,因此使用类型名称命名变量是个坏主意.原因是这可能会导致代码中出现一些问题:

                  As an aside, since type names are metaclasses in Python, naming your variables by the type name is a bad idea. The reason is that can cause several issues further down in the code:

                  a = range(3) # [0,1,2]
                  type(a) # (type 'list')
                  isinstance(a, list) # True

                  现在,创建一个名为 list

                  list = range(3)
                  list # [0,1,2]
                  isinstance(list, list)
                  Traceback (most recent call last):
                    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
                  TypeError: isinstance() arg 2 must be a class, type, or tuple of classes and types

                  更不用说,现在你不能使用 list() 操作符

                  Not to mention, now you cant use the list() operator

                  c = list((1,2,3))
                  Traceback (most recent call last):
                    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
                  TypeError: 'list' object is not callable


                  上一篇:在 Python 中将多个变量附加到列表中 下一篇:如何将项目附加到 Pandas 中不同列的列表中


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