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        如何在 numpy 中创建一个“接受"附加的空列表网格?

        • <bdo id='QGWAl'></bdo><ul id='QGWAl'></ul>

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                  本文介绍了如何在 numpy 中创建一个“接受"附加的空列表网格?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  I am trying to use numpy.append but something goes wrong and it just doesn't make sence to me anymore. Can someone explain why I am getting an error?

                  >>> np.array([[], [], []]).shape
                  (3, 0)
                  >>> a=[[], [], []]
                  >>> a[1].append(3)
                  >>> a
                  [[], [3], []]
                  >>> b=np.array(a)
                  >>> b[0].append(3)
                  array([[3], [3], []], dtype=object)

                  This is all logical to me, yet when I try the following it stops working.

                  >>> c=np.array((3,0),dtype=object)
                  >>> c[0].append(3)
                  AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'append'
                  >>> np.empty((3,1))[0].append(3)
                  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append'
                  >>> np.empty((3,0))[1].append(3)
                  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append'
                  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append'

                  Solved: How to create a numpy array of lists?


                  Don't just look at the shape; check the dtype, and if object, the nature of the elements

                  In [282]: np.array([[], [], []])
                  Out[282]: array([], shape=(3, 0), dtype=float64)

                  A 2d array of floats. np.array tries to make a multidimensional array of numbers; it's only when it can't do that it makes an object array.

                  In [283]: b=np.array([[],[3],[]])
                  In [284]: b
                  Out[284]: array([[], [3], []], dtype=object)

                  Here the 3 sublists have different size, so it can't make a 2d array; the result is an object array, where the objects are lists, and have the append method.

                  In [286]: c=np.array((3,0), object)
                  In [287]: c
                  Out[287]: array([3, 0], dtype=object)

                  This is a (2,) object array; the 2 elements are numbers. Numbers don't have an append method.

                  In [288]: np.empty((3,1))
                  array([[ 0.],
                         [ 0.],
                         [ 0.]])

                  A (3,1) array of floats. No append method for numbers or arrays.

                  In [289]: np.empty((3,0))
                  Out[289]: array([], shape=(3, 0), dtype=float64)

                  Another 2d array of floats

                  In [290]: np.empty((6,1),object)
                         [None]], dtype=object)

                  2d array of dtype object. In this case they are initialized to None. Again no append method.

                  More on making an array of lists

                  dimensions of array of arrays in numpy


                  How to keep numpy from broadcasting when creating an object array of different shaped arrays

                  In [305]: d=np.empty((3,),object)
                  In [306]: d
                  Out[306]: array([None, None, None], dtype=object)
                  In [307]: d.fill([])
                  In [308]: d
                  Out[308]: array([[], [], []], dtype=object)   # array of lists
                  In [309]: d[0].append([1,2,3])
                  In [310]: d
                  Out[310]: array([[[1, 2, 3]], [[1, 2, 3]], [[1, 2, 3]]], dtype=object)

                  But oops - those lists are all the same object (pointer) :( I have to put a different list in each element. Now I can append to them individually.

                  In [311]: d[...]=[[],[1,2,3],[2]]
                  In [312]: d
                  Out[312]: array([[], [1, 2, 3], [2]], dtype=object)
                  In [313]: d[0].append([2,3])
                  In [314]: d
                  Out[314]: array([[[2, 3]], [1, 2, 3], [2]], dtype=object)

                  I think you have to bite the bullet and use a list to initialize an object array of lists. There isn't a short cut:

                  In [319]: d=np.empty((3,),object)
                  In [320]: d[...]=[[] for _ in range(3)]
                  In [321]: d
                  Out[321]: array([[], [], []], dtype=object)
                  In [323]: d
                  Out[323]: array([[], [3], []], dtype=object)

                  这篇关于如何在 numpy 中创建一个“接受"附加的空列表网格?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Python:将列表列表初始化为一定大小, 下一篇:ndarray 比 recarray 访问快吗?


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