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        如何从 HTML 字符串中获取美丽汤中的开始和结束标记?

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                  本文介绍了如何从 HTML 字符串中获取美丽汤中的开始和结束标记?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在使用漂亮的汤编写一个 python 脚本,我必须从包含一些 HTML 代码的字符串中获取一个开始标签.

                  I am writing a python script using beautiful soup, where i have to get an opening tag from a string containing some HTML code.


                  string = <p>...</p>

                  我想在名为 opening_tag 的变量中获取 <p> 并在名为 的变量中获取 </p>关闭标签.我已经搜索了文档,但似乎没有找到解决方案.谁能给我建议?

                  I want to get <p> in a variable called opening_tag and </p> in a variable called closing_tag. I have searched the documentation but don't seem to find the solution. Can anyone advise me with that?


                  有一种方法可以使用 BeautifulSoup 和一个简单的 reg-ex:

                  There is a way to do this with BeautifulSoup and a simple reg-ex:

                  • 将段落放在 BeautifulSoup 对象中,例如,soupParagraph.

                  • Put the paragraph in a BeautifulSoup object, e.g., soupParagraph.

                  对于开始 (<p>) 和结束 (</p>) 标记之间的内容,将内容移动到另一个 BeautifulSoup 对象,例如,soupInnerParagraph.(通过移动内容,它们不会被删除).

                  For the contents between the opening (<p>) and closing (</p>) tags, move the contents to another BeautifulSoup object, e.g., soupInnerParagraph. (By moving the contents, they are not deleted).

                  然后,soupParagraph 将只有开始和结束标签.

                  Then, soupParagraph will just have the opening and closing tags.

                  将 soupParagraph 转换为 HTML 文本格式并将其存储在字符串变量中

                  Convert soupParagraph to HTML text-format and store that in a string variable


                  To get the opening tag, use a regular expression to remove the closing tag from the string variable.

                  一般来说,用正则表达式解析 HTML 是有问题的,通常最好避免.但是,这里可能是合理的.

                  In general, parsing HTML with a regular-expression is problematic, and usually best avoided. However, it may be reasonable here.


                  A closing tag is simple. It does not have attributes defined for it, and a comment is not allowed within it.



                  此代码从 <body...> ... </body> 部分获取开始标记.代码已经过测试.

                  This code gets the opening tag from a <body...> ... </body> section. The code has been tested.

                  # The variable "body" is a BeautifulSoup object that contains a <body> section.
                  bodyInnerHtml = BeautifulSoup("", 'html.parser')
                  bodyContentsList = body.contents
                  for i in range(0, len(bodyContentsList)):
                      # .append moves the HTML element from body to bodyInnerHtml
                  # Convert the <body> opening and closing tags to HTML text format
                  bodyTags = body.decode(formatter='html')
                  # Extract the opening tag, by removing the closing tag
                  regex = r"(s*</bodys*>s*$)"
                  substitution = ""
                  bodyOpeningTag, substitutionCount = re.subn(regex, substitution, bodyTags, 0, re.M)
                  if (substitutionCount != 1):
                      print("ERROR.  The expected HTML </body> tag was not found.")

                  这篇关于如何从 HTML 字符串中获取美丽汤中的开始和结束标记?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:使用 Python 关闭没有特定标签的 EC2 实例 下一篇:如何使用 Python 读取 MP3 中的 ID3 标签?


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