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      使用 Python 关闭没有特定标签的 EC2 实例


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                本文介绍了使用 Python 关闭没有特定标签的 EC2 实例的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我正在使用 mlapida 发布的这个脚本:https://gist.github.com/mlapida/1917b5db84b76b1d1d55#file-ec2-stopped-tagged-lambda-py

                I'm using this script by mlapida posted here: https://gist.github.com/mlapida/1917b5db84b76b1d1d55#file-ec2-stopped-tagged-lambda-py

                mlapida 的脚本与我需要的相反,我对 Python 不太熟悉,不知道如何重组它以使其工作.我需要关闭所有没有标识它们的特殊标签的 EC2 实例.

                The script by mlapida does the opposite of what I need, I'm not that familiar with Python to know how to restructure it to make this work. I need to shutdown all EC2 instances that do not have a special tag identifying them.

                逻辑是:1.) 识别所有正在运行的实例2.) 从该列表中删除任何具有特殊标签的实例3.) 处理剩余要关闭的实例列表

                The logic would be: 1.) Identify all running instances 2.) Strip out any instances from that list that have the special tag 3.) Process the remaining list of instances to be shutdown




                # open connection to ec2
                conn = get_ec2_conn()
                # get a list of all instances
                all_instances = conn.get_all_instances()
                # get instances with filter of running + with tag `Name`
                instances = conn.get_all_instances(filters={'tag-key': 'Name', 'instance-state-name': 'running'})
                # make a list of filtered instances IDs `[i.id for i in instances]`
                # Filter from all instances the instance that are not in the filtered list
                instances_to_delete = [to_del for to_del in all_instances if to_del.id not in [i.id for i in instances]]
                # run over your `instances_to_delete` list and terminate each one of them
                for instance in instances_to_delete:


                # open connection to ec2
                conn = get_ec2_conn()
                # get a list of all instances
                all_instances = [i for i in conn.instances.all()]
                # get instances with filter of running + with tag `Name`
                instances = [i for i in conn.instances.filter(Filters=[{'Name': 'instance-state-name', 'Values': ['running']}, {'Name':'tag-key', 'Values':['Name']}])]
                # make a list of filtered instances IDs `[i.id for i in instances]`
                # Filter from all instances the instance that are not in the filtered list
                instances_to_delete = [to_del for to_del in all_instances if to_del.id not in [i.id for i in instances]]
                # run over your `instances_to_delete` list and terminate each one of them
                for instance in instances_to_delete:

                这篇关于使用 Python 关闭没有特定标签的 EC2 实例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:在 BeautifulSoup 中使用字典解析脚本标签 下一篇:如何从 HTML 字符串中获取美丽汤中的开始和结束标记?


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