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                1. 本文介绍了django:TypeError:'tuple'对象不可调用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  出现类型错误,元组"对象不可调用.知道它可能是什么吗?(不要担心缩进.它会奇怪地复制.)我正在尝试根据 storeliquor 的 PackSize 创建选择.

                  Getting a type error, 'tuple' object is not callable. Any idea what it could be? (dont worry about the indentation. It copies in weird.) I'm trying to create choices based on PackSize of storeliquor.


                  def storeliquor(request, store_id, liquor_id):        
                  a = StoreLiquor.objects.get(StoreLiquorID=liquor_id)
                  s = Store.objects.get(StoreID=store_id)
                  x = Order.objects.get(storeID=s, Active=True)
                  y = a.OffPremisePrice
                  c = a.BottleSize
                  g = request.POST.get('OrderAmount', '')
                  b = a.PackSize
                  h = b*2
                  d = b*3
                  e = b*4
                  r = b*5
                  if c == "1750 ML":
                      pack_size = (
                          ('1', '1')
                          ('3', '3')
                          (b, b)
                          (h, h)
                          (d, d)
                          (e, e)
                          (r, r)
                  elif c == "1000 ML":
                      pack_size = (
                          ('1', '1')
                          ('3', '3')
                          ('6', '6')
                          (b, b)
                          (h, h)
                          (d, d)
                          (e, e)
                          (r, r)
                  elif c == "750 ML":
                      pack_size = (
                          ('1', '1')
                          ('3', '3')
                          ('6', '6')
                          (b, b)
                          (h, h)
                          (c, d)
                          (e, e)
                          (r, r)
                  elif c == "375 ML":
                      pack_size = (
                          ('3', '3')
                          ('6', '6')
                          ('12', '12')
                          (b, b)
                          (h, h)
                          (d, d)
                          (e, e)
                          (r, r)
                  elif c == "200 ML":
                      pack_size = (
                          ('12', '24')
                          ('24', '24')
                          (b, b)
                          (c, c)
                          (c, d)
                          (e, e)
                          (r, r)
                      pack_size = (
                          (b, b)
                          (c, c)
                          (c, d)
                          (e, e)
                          (r, r)
                  if request.method == "POST":
                      f = AddToOrderForm(request.POST)
                      if f.is_valid():
                          z = f.save(commit=False)
                          z.TotalPrice = (float(y)) * (float(g))
                          z.storeliquorID = a
                          z.orderID = x
                      return HttpResponseRedirect('/stores/get/%s' % store_id)
                      f = AddToOrderForm()
                      f.fields['OrderAmount'].choices = pack_size      
                  args = {}
                  args['liquor'] = a
                  args['s'] = s
                  args['form'] = f   
                  return render(request,'storeliquor.html', args)


                  class LiquorOrder(models.Model):
                  LiquorOrderID = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
                  storeliquorID = models.ForeignKey(StoreLiquor)
                  orderID = models.ForeignKey(Order)
                  OrderAmount = models.CharField('Order Amount', max_length=3)
                  TotalPrice = models.DecimalField('Total Price', max_digits=5, decimal_places=2)
                  StorePrice = models.DecimalField('Store Price', max_digits=5, decimal_places=2)


                  class AddToOrderForm(forms.ModelForm):
                  class Meta:
                      model = LiquorOrder
                      fields = ('OrderAmount', 'StorePrice')



                  >>> ((1,2) (2,3))
                  Traceback (most recent call last):
                    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
                  TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable


                  >>> ((1,2), (2,3))
                  ((1, 2), (2, 3))


                  上一篇:为什么 splatting 在 rhs 上创建一个元组,但在 lhs 上创建一个列表? 下一篇:通过特定索引检查元组列表中是否存在字符串


                  <i id='2mfZr'><tr id='2mfZr'><dt id='2mfZr'><q id='2mfZr'><span id='2mfZr'><b id='2mfZr'><form id='2mfZr'><ins id='2mfZr'></ins><ul id='2mfZr'></ul><sub id='2mfZr'></sub></form><legend id='2mfZr'></legend><bdo id='2mfZr'><pre id='2mfZr'><center id='2mfZr'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='2mfZr'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='2mfZr'><tfoot id='2mfZr'></tfoot><dl id='2mfZr'><fieldset id='2mfZr'></fieldset></dl></div>

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