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                <代码>{'新环境':{'新项目':{'新比较':{实例":[],'n_thing': '新事物'}}}}

                来自一个元组,像这样:('newEnv','newProj','newComp','newThing') 但前提是它不存在.所以,我尝试了这个:

                myDict = {}(env,proj,comp,thing) = ('newEnv','newProj','newComp','newThing')如果 env 不在 myDict 中:我的字典 [env] = {}如果 proj 不在 myDict[env] 中:myDict[env][proj] = {}如果 comp 不在 myDict[env][proj] 中:myDict[env][proj][comp] = {'n_thing': 东西,'instances': []}



                可以使用循环(只有前 3 个键,newThing 不是链中的键):

                myDict = {}路径 = ('newEnv','newProj','newComp')当前 = 我的字典对于路径中的键:当前 = current.setdefault(key, {})

                其中 current 最终成为最里面的字典,让您在其上设置 'n_thing''instances' 键.p>

                您可以使用 reduce() 将其折叠成单行:

                myDict = {}路径 = ('newEnv','newProj','newComp')减少(lambda d,k:d.setdefault(k,{}),路径,myDict)

                reduce 调用返回最里面的字典,因此您可以使用它来分配最终值:

                myDict = {}路径 = ('newEnv','newProj','newComp')inner = reduce(lambda d, k: d.setdefault(k, {}), path, myDict)inner.update({'n_thing': 'newThing', 'instances': []})

                I need to generate a dictionary like this:

                  'newEnv': {
                     'newProj': {
                        'newComp': {
                           'instances': [],
                           'n_thing': 'newThing'

                from a tuple, like this: ('newEnv','newProj','newComp','newThing') but only if that doesn't already exists. So, I tried this:

                myDict = {}
                (env,proj,comp,thing) = ('newEnv','newProj','newComp','newThing')
                if env not in myDict:
                    myDict[env] = {}
                if proj not in myDict[env]:
                    myDict[env][proj] = {}
                if comp not in myDict[env][proj]:
                    myDict[env][proj][comp] = {'n_thing': thing, 'instances': []}

                which is pretty much working but not sure how efficient is that or if I should be doing this way at all. Any suggestion(s)??


                You can use a loop (with just the first 3 keys, newThing is not a key in the chain):

                myDict = {}
                path = ('newEnv','newProj','newComp')
                current = myDict
                for key in path:
                    current = current.setdefault(key, {})

                where current ends up as the innermost dictionary, letting you set the 'n_thing' and 'instances' keys on that.

                You could use reduce() to collapse that into a one-liner:

                myDict = {}
                path = ('newEnv','newProj','newComp')
                reduce(lambda d, k: d.setdefault(k, {}), path, myDict)

                The reduce call returns the innermost dictionary, so you can use that to assign your final value:

                myDict = {}
                path = ('newEnv','newProj','newComp')
                inner = reduce(lambda d, k: d.setdefault(k, {}), path, myDict)
                inner.update({'n_thing': 'newThing', 'instances': []})


                上一篇:为相同的字典值创建可交换元组键的最佳方法是什么? 下一篇:在元组或对象列表上使用 Python 的 list index() 方法?


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