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      1. 逐元素添加两个元组


            • <bdo id='bhjlE'></bdo><ul id='bhjlE'></ul>

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                  我只是想知道是否有一种特别的 Pythonic 方法可以按元素添加两个元组?

                  I was just wondering if there was an especially pythonic way of adding two tuples elementwise?

                  到目前为止(a 和 b 是元组),我有

                  So far (a and b are tuples), I have

                  map(sum, zip(a, b))


                  (a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], ...)

                  可能的称重是给 a 0.5 的重量和 b 0.5 的重量,等等.(我正在尝试采用加权平均值).

                  And a possible weighing would be to give a 0.5 weight and b 0.5 weight, or so on. (I'm trying to take a weighted average).


                  Which works fine, but say I wanted to add a weighting, I'm not quite sure how I would do that.




                  Zip them, then sum each tuple.

                  [sum(x) for x in zip(a,b)]


                  EDIT : Here's a better, albeit more complex version that allows for weighting.

                  from itertools import starmap, islice, izip
                  a = [1, 2, 3]
                  b = [3, 4, 5]
                  w = [0.5, 1.5] # weights => a*0.5 + b*1.5
                  products = [m for m in starmap(lambda i,j:i*j, [y for x in zip(a,b) for y in zip(x,w)])]
                  sums = [sum(x) for x in izip(*[islice(products, i, None, 2) for i in range(2)])]
                  print sums # should be [5.0, 7.0, 9.0]


                  上一篇:如何将自定义类对象转换为 Python 中的元组? 下一篇:Python:生成“元组集";来自“元组列表";不考虑顺序


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