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                  假设我有大量不同颜色的水果,例如,24 个蓝色香蕉、12 个绿色苹果、0 个蓝色草莓等.我想将它们组织在 Python 中的数据结构中,以便于选择和排序.我的想法是将它们放入以元组为键的字典中,例如,

                  Suppose I have quantities of fruits of different colors, e.g., 24 blue bananas, 12 green apples, 0 blue strawberries and so on. I'd like to organize them in a data structure in Python that allows for easy selection and sorting. My idea was to put them into a dictionary with tuples as keys, e.g.,

                      ('banana',    'blue' ): 24,
                      ('apple',     'green'): 12,
                      ('strawberry','blue' ): 0,
                      # ...


                      {'fruit': 'banana',    'color': 'blue' }: 24,
                      {'fruit': 'apple',     'color': 'green'}: 12,
                      {'fruit': 'strawberry','color': 'blue' }: 0,
                      # ...


                  I'd like to retrieve a list of all blue fruit, or bananas of all colors, for example, or to sort this dictionary by the name of the fruit. Are there ways to do this in a clean way?


                  It might well be that dictionaries with tuples as keys are not the proper way to handle this situation.



                  就我个人而言,我喜欢 python 的一件事是 tuple-dict 组合.你在这里实际上是一个二维数组(其中 x = 水果名称和 y = 颜色),我通常是实现二维数组的元组字典的支持者,至少在类似 numpy 的情况下或者数据库不是更合适的.所以简而言之,我认为你有一个很好的方法.

                  Personally, one of the things I love about python is the tuple-dict combination. What you have here is effectively a 2d array (where x = fruit name and y = color), and I am generally a supporter of the dict of tuples for implementing 2d arrays, at least when something like numpy or a database isn't more appropriate. So in short, I think you've got a good approach.

                  请注意,如果不做一些额外的工作,您不能将 dicts 用作 dict 中的键,因此这不是一个很好的解决方案.

                  Note that you can't use dicts as keys in a dict without doing some extra work, so that's not a very good solution.

                  也就是说,您还应该考虑 namedtuple().这样你就可以这样做了:

                  That said, you should also consider namedtuple(). That way you could do this:

                  >>> from collections import namedtuple
                  >>> Fruit = namedtuple("Fruit", ["name", "color"])
                  >>> f = Fruit(name="banana", color="red")
                  >>> print f
                  Fruit(name='banana', color='red')
                  >>> f.name
                  >>> f.color

                  现在你可以使用你的fruitcount dict:

                  Now you can use your fruitcount dict:

                  >>> fruitcount = {Fruit("banana", "red"):5}
                  >>> fruitcount[f]


                  >>> fruits = fruitcount.keys()
                  >>> fruits.sort()
                  >>> print fruits
                  [Fruit(name='apple', color='green'), 
                   Fruit(name='apple', color='red'), 
                   Fruit(name='banana', color='blue'), 
                   Fruit(name='strawberry', color='blue')]
                  >>> fruits.sort(key=lambda x:x.color)
                  >>> print fruits
                  [Fruit(name='banana', color='blue'), 
                   Fruit(name='strawberry', color='blue'), 
                   Fruit(name='apple', color='green'), 
                   Fruit(name='apple', color='red')]

                  与 chmullig 相呼应,要获得一种水果所有颜色的列表,您必须过滤键,即

                  Echoing chmullig, to get a list of all colors of one fruit, you would have to filter the keys, i.e.

                  bananas = [fruit for fruit in fruits if fruit.name=='banana']


                  上一篇:python中将列表转换为元组的时间复杂度,反之亦然 下一篇:Django - 如何在模板“for"循环中进行元组解包


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