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      1. 元组索引的 Python `dict`:获取一块饼

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                  本文介绍了元组索引的 Python `dict`:获取一块饼的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  my_dict = {
                    ("airport", "London"): "Heathrow",
                    ("airport", "Tokyo"): "Narita",
                    ("hipsters", "London"): "Soho"

                  什么是从字典中取出所有机场的有效(不扫描所有键)但优雅的方法,即预期输出 ["Heathrow", "Narita"].在可以按元组索引的数据库中,通常可以执行类似

                  What is an efficient (no scanning of all keys), yet elegant way to get all airports out of this dictionary, i.e. expected output ["Heathrow", "Narita"]. In databases that can index by tuples, it's usually possible to do something like

                  airports = my_dict.get(("airport",*))


                  (but usually only with the 'stars' sitting at the rightmost places in the tuple since the index usually is only stored in one order).

                  由于我想象 Python 以类似的方式使用元组键索引字典(使用键的固有顺序),我想可能有一种方法可以用来以这种方式对索引进行切片?

                  Since I imagine Python to index dictionary with tuple keys in a similar way (using the keys's inherent order), I imagine there might be a method I could use to slice the index this way?


                  Added expected output


                  Removed last phrase. Added '(no scanning of all keys)' to the conditions to make it clearer.


                  您的数据当前的组织方式不允许有效查找 - 基本上您必须扫描所有键.

                  The way your data is currently organized doesn't allow efficient lookup - essentially you have to scan all the keys.

                  字典是幕后的哈希表,访问值的唯一方法是获取键的哈希 - 为此,您需要 整个键.

                  Dictionaries are hash tables behind the scenes, and the only way to access a value is to get the hash of the key - and for that, you need the whole key.

                  使用这样的嵌套层次结构,因此您可以进行直接 O(1) 查找:

                  Use a nested hierarchy like this, so you can do a direct O(1) lookup:

                  my_dict = {
                    "airport": {
                       "London": "Heathrow",
                       "Tokyo": "Narita",
                    "hipsters": {
                       "London": "Soho"

                  这篇关于元组索引的 Python `dict`:获取一块饼的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Python:这两个 import 语句有什么区别? 下一篇:Python 元组...不是元组吗?逗号有什么作用?


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