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        在元组列表上使用 bisect 但仅使用第一个值进行比较

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                  <legend id='ifwkL'><style id='ifwkL'><dir id='ifwkL'><q id='ifwkL'></q></dir></style></legend>
                  本文介绍了在元组列表上使用 bisect 但仅使用第一个值进行比较的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我阅读了关于如何使用 的那个问题bisect 在元组列表上,我使用该信息来回答 那个问题.它有效,但我想要一个更通用的解决方案.

                  I read that question about how to use bisect on a list of tuples, and I used that information to answer that question. It works, but I'd like a more generic solution.

                  由于 bisect 不允许指定 key 函数,如果我有这个:

                  Since bisect doesn't allow to specify a key function, if I have this:

                  import bisect
                  test_array = [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(5,7000),(7,8),(9,10)]

                  我想找到 x > 的第一项.5 对于那些 (x,y) 元组(根本不考虑 y,我目前正在这样做:

                  and I want to find the first item where x > 5 for those (x,y) tuples (not considering y at all, I'm currently doing this:


                  我得到了正确的结果,因为我知道没有 y 大于 10000,所以 bisect 指向我的索引 <代码>(7,8).如果我用 1000 代替,那就错了.

                  and I get the correct result because I know that no y is greater than 10000, so bisect points me to the index of (7,8). Had I put 1000 instead, it would have been wrong.


                  For integers, I could do



                  but in the general case when there may be floats, how to to that without knowing the max values of the 2nd element?

                  test_array = [(1,2),(3,4),(5.2,6),(5.2,7000),(5.3,8),(9,10)]




                  and it didn't work, but I have tried this:



                  and it worked. But it feels like a bad hack. Any clean solutions?


                  bisect 支持任意序列.如果您需要将 bisect 与密钥一起使用,而不是将密钥传递给 bisect,您可以将其构建到序列中:

                  bisect supports arbitrary sequences. If you need to use bisect with a key, instead of passing the key to bisect, you can build it into the sequence:

                  class KeyList(object):
                      # bisect doesn't accept a key function, so we build the key into our sequence.
                      def __init__(self, l, key):
                          self.l = l
                          self.key = key
                      def __len__(self):
                          return len(self.l)
                      def __getitem__(self, index):
                          return self.key(self.l[index])

                  然后你可以使用 bisect 和一个 KeyList,具有 O(log n) 性能并且不需要复制 bisect 源或编写你自己的二分搜索:

                  Then you can use bisect with a KeyList, with O(log n) performance and no need to copy the bisect source or write your own binary search:

                  bisect.bisect_right(KeyList(test_array, key=lambda x: x[0]), 5)

                  这篇关于在元组列表上使用 bisect 但仅使用第一个值进行比较的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在 Python 3 中将整数的字符串表示形式编码为 base64 下一篇:这不是元组吗?


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