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              • 本文介绍了Kivy:如何使小部件表现得像溢出:隐藏的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我想在 Kivy 中创建带有许多矩形按钮的 GridLayout,其中包含一些不同大小的自定义图像.为此,我想缩放图像(我想这样做的方式如下所示),然后裁剪/隐藏溢出小部件边框的部分.调整大小效果很好,但我不知道如何隐藏/裁剪矩形之外的部分.例如:如果小部件的尺寸为 10 像素 x 10 像素,而我的图像为 100 像素 x 200 像素,我会将其调整为 10 像素 x 20 像素并在小部件中居中,但下方和上方的 5 像素将可见.我不要那个.:) 云有人帮我解决这个问题吗?

                I want to create GridLayout in Kivy with many rectangle buttons with some custom images with different size. To do so, I want to scale image (the way I wan to do this is shown below) and then crop/hide the parts that overflow the widget borders. The resizing works nice, but I can not figure out how to hide/crop that parts which are outside the rectangle. For example: if widget have dimensions of 10px x 10px and my image is 100px x 200px I will rezise it to 10px x 20px and center it in widget, but the 5px below and abowe will be visible. I do not want that. :) Cloud somebody help me with this problem?

                class PlaceIcon(Widget):
                    def __init__(self,image_path, **kwargs):
                        super(PlaceIcon, self).__init__(**kwargs)
                        self.image = Image(source=image_path)
                        self.image_path = image_path  
                    def adjust_size(self,*args):
                        (a,b) = self.image.texture.size
                        (x,y) = self.size
                        (x1,y1) = self.pos
                        if x > y:
                            scale = x/a
                            scale = y/b
                        x1 -= (scale*a-x)/2
                        y1 -= (scale*b-y)/2
                        with self.canvas:
                            self.background = Rectangle(texture=self.image.texture, pos=(x1,y1), size=(scale*a,scale*b))



                I would say to look at Texture.get_region: http://kivy.org/docs/api-kivy.graphics.texture.html#kivy.graphics.texture.Texture.get_region


                So you can use only the part of the texture you want to display and passing as if it was an entirely different texture.

                另一种方法是使用 StencilView,但我认为这里的 get_region 更好.

                Another way would be to use StencilView, but i think here the get_region is better.


                上一篇:Kivy CheckBox 看起来像实心黑框(不是复选框) 下一篇:包装 Kivy 标签的文本


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