是否有一个 Python 模块,我可以在其中创建具有地理位置坐标(纬度和经度)的对象,并在给定坐标的 5 公里距离(即半径)内查询所有对象?
Is there a Python module where I can create objects with a geographical location coordinate (latitude and longitude), and query all the objects for ones which are within a 5km distance (i.e. radius) of a given coordinate?
I've been trying to store the latitude and longitude as keys in dictionaries (as they're indexed by key) and use some distance finding algorithms to query them. But this feels like a horrible hack.
基本上类似于 PostGIS for PostgreSQL,但都在我的 Python 应用程序的内存中.
Essentially something like PostGIS for PostgreSQL, but all within my Python app's memory.
是的,试试 geopy.
afterwards you can query your lists of points:
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